Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv] [to-vb] to " in BNC.

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1 By 2.30am , Liz was feeling increasingly uncomfortable , though , so she got up to go to the loo and by ten to three , she was finding it impossible to get back to sleep .
2 ‘ For the good it did me , ’ Ruth murmured as she got up to go to the shower-room .
3 She tried not to listen to Mr Skinner .
4 She tried not to lie to the child , as she had been lied to .
5 She moved away to talk to Eustace Tolby who had come with his wife , an elegant Asian woman .
6 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
7 She came across to speak to him .
8 She turned away to shout to the android .
9 He did , and with a relieved smile she turned back to talk to her new-found friends on her other side , and within half an hour , to Donal 's exasperated amusement , had quite a crowd round her , all vying with each other to tell her stories .
10 Ignoring Randy 's imperious wave , she walked over to talk to Mike Waterlane .
11 She decided not to go to communion .
12 In a lull , she drifted up to see to the babies , but misjudged mounting the stair ; Bridhe , desperate for more hands , was coming down and grabbed her .
13 She went outside to talk to him , threatening all sorts of terrible punishments for anyone who misbehaved in her absence .
14 And she went on to explain to him how they would now have to hasten what had previously been a very leisure long-term affair , at least in her mind .
15 She went on to talk to children in the refuge creche and to ask the helpers if they managed to leave work problems behind when they returned home in the evening — ‘ otherwise , it must get so depressing for you . ’
16 She went off to attend to her cultures , and Reynolds handed in the form and the catalogue to the copy clerk .
17 Though urged by the school to apply for a place at Oxbridge , she chose instead to go to Sussex University , as bright young people often did in the 1970s , because the new universities were considered exciting and innovatory places to study at .
18 Marsco 's cold gaze was fixed on Jinneth as she leaned forward to speak to him , her hand on his amid the clutter of the table .
19 She also found great pleasure in reading , but although my father had brought to Fontanellato a large number of Slovene books , she had soon to resort to reading in Italian , which she inevitably found more difficult .
20 In 1802 , already a minister for ten years , she set out to preach to ‘ Ethiopia 's children ’ living under ‘ base tyranny ’ in ‘ the large cities of America ’ .
21 She did n't know at the time that some day she would call herself ‘ artist ’ or ‘ writer ’ — not many teenage coloured girls from the Gorbals in Glasgow had trailblazed a path in that direction , so it was a real exploration into the unknown for her when at sixteen she set out to go to college to study fashion .
22 But they could find no food so she set out to walk to Trnopolje , where she hoped she could feed her baby .
23 When she wanted not to reply to something , she would lift her ravishing upper lip over her opened teeth in a way that put him alarmingly in mind of a horse wanting to be bridled .
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