Example sentences of "she [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Harker had a kind heart , but was she really in touch with this world she lived in and was so anxious to change ?
2 Was she really in fear of her life ?
3 He glanced over her slowly from head to foot , taking in the sleeveless green cotton dress with its tight bodice and full skirt that had seemed so modest when she had put it on .
4 The whiteness of his shirt seemed to emphasise his tan , but it was something in the glittering gaze , raking her slowly from head to toe , that made her hesitate .
5 She 'd gone to visit her parents in Chalatenango and nine armed men in a jeep just drove up and shot her right in front of her parents .
6 But he saw her only as part of the furniture , and so her guilt was lessened .
7 He had deceived her utterly from start to finish , and such calculated deceit was a downright insult !
8 Their situation was similar to the well-known triangular struggle between the Barretts of Wimpole Street , Elizabeth colluding with her father in an illness which kept her tied to home until Robert Browning won her away from invalidism to health through marriage .
9 ‘ Fact of the matter is , ’ her father told Artemis when he took her aside before lunch on Boxing Day , ‘ you 're to have a new mother .
10 Neither are victims of racial harassment always poor women : Ms Z is divorced , lives on her own , and was fortunate enough to secure her home as part of the divorce settlement .
11 In September 1985 Mrs Dorothy Croce was shot and paralysed after the police had entered her home in search of her son .
12 The position would have qualified her automatically for entry to the ANC national executive committee .
13 Her navigation system guided her infallibly from waypoint to waypoint .
14 Indeed her title of the patristic period , theotokos , the God-bearer , conceives of her simply in relation to him to whom she gave birth .
15 and er , I mean what she saw of Kerry was , she dropped her here at quarter to nine , she picked her up between five and half past and the rest of her she saw around kid , the rest of the time she saw her own kid and er Julia was to have her until she went to school , so I mean how can there be any bond there , which there ca n't , but the mother said herself I had her because it was the done thing so I mean it 's , it 's today in n it do n't you think ?
16 It moved with her silently from room to room , breathing softly against the back of her neck .
17 When two hours had passed and he had n't returned , Lyn imagined him finding his way back to Bale 's and by this act leading her there in search of him .
18 Laying her basket down , she ran towards the shriek , her feet slipping on the loose ground as she came under the trees , until she finished with an uncontrollable slide that landed her almost on top of Oz .
19 Salt kept her hard at work round the house from the time she woke till late at night , with grim satisfaction in seeing her too worn out to do more than fall into bed and sleep .
20 He smiled to soften the order , but there was no mistaking the glint of determination in his dark eyes as he held her firmly in front of him .
21 Walker 's yearning for the idyllic belongs to a very general interest in the primitive and lyrical which puts her firmly in touch with Augustus John whose decoration , ‘ Lyric Fantasy ’ and cartoon for a decoration , ‘ Galway ( both at the Tate Gallery ) , share some of these concerns to find a primitive Golden Age that is not necessarily classical .
22 The disapproval she had sometimes sensed from him , and that had bothered her fleetingly from time to time , had erupted into a torrent of burning hatred at the discovery that , in spite of the fortune his father had showered on him , Ryan had died in a state of virtual penury .
23 The spectacle is intended for her too as part of the audience , but she can not become a pair of eyes to view her own humiliation .
24 ‘ I did n't tell you before , because I did n't want you thinking it was n't convenient to come and stay or something , darling ! ’ she 'd told her apologetically over coffee after lunch .
25 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
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