Example sentences of "she [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Is n't she just like a lovely little mouse , so sweet you could eat her ? ’
2 She maybe in a desperate hurry !
3 He sketched her deftly in a few minutes .
4 He looked at her thoughtfully for a long moment before nodding .
5 And she stared too at her own friends , who appeared to her suddenly in a new light , laughing and fiddling with their luggage labels , and casting their eyes around them as though unbalanced by the sudden variety of choice .
6 I bet Stuart sees her basically as a good little shopper .
7 Dulé leaned to look at the dark husk that was the old woman 's body ; shadows bound the close air inside the room and he could see her only as a lighter shape .
8 In a fairy-tale scene he kisses her and she becomes beautiful , but after their betrothal she confesses her past sins and the weakness of her nature , imploring Leo to love her only in a spiritual sense .
9 He hunkered down beside her just as a flaming beam from the ceiling crashed to the ground only inches away .
10 He was in his fifties — the only child had been a late arrival — but he exuded physical wellbeing and self-confidence , reminding her somehow of a well-dressed bull .
11 It was n't an amused smile , but it was one that sent her away at a brisk and confident walk towards the house , and with a gratifying sense of being respected and appreciated .
12 Clear of the mooring , I felt the tide , not much yet , for the ebb had not long started , but enough to grip Joanna and carry her seawards in a strong , invisible hand .
13 He would find it easy to allow that attraction to grow and take what he wanted from her , then cast her aside without a second thought .
14 When the revolt collapsed and Judith was released , Charles rode out with his uncle Drogo bishop of Metz to escort her home to a ceremonial reception at Aachen in February 831 .
15 So Anabelle made her home under a lilac bush in Sergeant 's garden .
16 She had solved his problem with Ana , belonged to him , and he had looked at her deeply with a great deal of affection .
17 ‘ Cut it out , Maria , ’ he ordered her curtly after a few seconds in which he seemed to hold his breath .
18 When she discovered that he had called her repeatedly on a mobile phone she flew into a rage .
19 And he thrust her briskly into a small , book-lined room , and himself went on along a passage to the hall and the telephone , leaving the door open between them .
20 He was kissing her now with a delicate urgency , her cheeks and temples , her closed eyelids and long , slender throat .
21 SEXY singer Anita Dels had to be rescued by security guards after fans tried to drag her offstage during a packed gig .
22 I would sit with her often for a whole hour , she with her feet up on the sofa , resting .
23 Of course he would n't kiss her here in a crowded hotel foyer .
24 Lorimer eyed her intently for a few moments .
25 The Doctor stared at her silently for a few seconds .
26 ‘ I took her there for a last relaxing evening before we threw ourselves into the election campaign .
27 Could it be that her mother sent her there with a hot pie or pasty for her father ?
28 The children pulled her irresistibly into a large square room at the back of the house whose floor was covered with a threadbare brown carpet .
29 He looked at her then in a strange and thoughtful way , and she felt it was with approval .
30 He watched her closely for a long time but there was no further flicker of consciousness .
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