Example sentences of "she [vb -s] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 And she goes up to the two blokes and she grabs them by the balls and goes mm not bad , nice butt , you know ?
2 So she goes up to the first man and she goes , hi , handsome , and he goes , hello , hello and he 's erected , right .
3 She looks at me for a bit , then she goes over to the drawer and takes out another envelope .
4 and she , he , she goes down to the abortion centre right after and he dies !
5 She goes off to the city for a few days , but then she is back .
6 She 's back in the canteen from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. , when she goes home to the children and her working day starts its next shift .
7 One evening soon after , she goes out to the pig yard and hurls defiance against the Almighty : ‘ Go on , call me a hog !
8 Sh and she really , and she makes me laugh when she said , talking to someone and when they start working again she turns round to the next person at the other side of her !
9 In anger she swims back to the landing-stage where he sits , his feet dangling in the water .
10 Erm she 's doing numeracy power with them at the moment before she gets on to the because I believe she 's got to sort out some programs for as yet .
11 The person ‘ goosed ’ then chases round and tries to catch the runner before he or she gets back to the space where the goosed person was sitting .
12 The sooner she gets back to the water , the better .
13 I ca n't take my eyes off this beautiful woman and as if sensing my gaze she hurries off to the adjoining room to get dressed .
14 There is Ethel and her cello , at which she saws away to the halting accompaniment of Lou , the schoolgirl niece .
15 This is what Dr Serafin is escaping from every time she pedals furiously to the station to catch the train to London ( one of those bicycles in the hall is hers ) with the portable typewriter lodged insecurely in the basket on the handlebars .
16 If the plant checks out successfully , she jumps lightly to the ground and lays her eggs — not in the roots — but in the soil .
17 She wanders off to the studio , erm , a room in a house , her mum and dad 's house , to answer the phone .
18 She walks up to the shop here !
19 She walks around to the office , talking as she goes .
20 She dresses for the most part in a pink frilly fairy costume in which she walks down to the beach , paints , dances and collects snails .
21 And as Kemf witnesses more and more of the damage and the recovery for herself , she becomes closer to the Vietnamese friends who help her with her project , most particularly to Vietnam 's most eminent environmentalist , Vo Quy .
22 She comes up to the house and starts bellowing , and just will not stop until you give her a cuddle !
23 She 's probably lived such a repressed life she goes berserk when she comes out to the West Indies .
24 And if she comes back to the house , she wo n't be able to find me , so I got to stay there .
25 And she comes back to the Counts of Lusignan to foretell deaths — she is a kind of Dame Blanche , or Fata Bianca .
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