Example sentences of "she [was/were] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Trust Claire to act as if she were the centre of attention .
2 The reader feels entertained , but in an excluded sort of way , rather as though he or she were the butler at a particularly lively dessert at Lincoln 's Inn .
3 She spoke , Ruth thought , as if she were the mistress of a large establishment in London instead of a country vicar 's wife in a remote Yorkshire dale .
4 She was the epitome of fashionable glamour and , merely looking at her , Constance felt swamped .
5 She was the girl with everything — fame , riches and most of all the undiluted love of her new husband — or so the world believed .
6 She was the measure of her own world .
7 I thought she was the bottom of it all .
8 They addressed her as if she was the equivalent of a Sheikha .
9 The mortals believed that she was the provider of great riches until a seven-headed monster called The Cabinet destroyed her with the Golden Hair of Heseltine .
10 She was the chairman of the Forest of Arden Young Conservatives which she had joined three years previously at her mother 's prompting .
11 She was the Lady of Duart .
12 Next to the Marine Store was Miss Tylee 's shop — she was the sister of Mr. C.E. Tylee , but no-one would ever have guessed it , as her shop was one of the cleanest and tidiest that I have every seen .
13 She was the sister of W. A. S. Benson , Sir ‘ Frank ’ Benson , and Godfrey Benson ( first Baron Charnwood ) [ qq.v . ] .
14 , Edith Mary ( 1876–1965 ) , midwife and international relief organizer , was born 20 October 1876 in London , the eldest daughter in the family of three daughters and four sons of William Arthur Pye , JP , wine merchant , and his wife Margaret Thompson , daughter of James Burns Kidston , writer to the signet , of Glasgow ; she was the sister of Sir David Randall Pye , FRS [ q.v . ] .
15 , Sophy ( 1881–1950 ) , internationalist and labour-law reformer , was born 3 January 1881 in Westcott , near Dorking , the youngest of the three sons and three daughters of a wealthy London businessman Charles Sanger and his wife Jessie Pulford ; she was the sister of C. P. Sanger , the legal authority on wills and friend of Bertrand ( later third Earl ) Russell [ q.v . ] .
16 She was the sister of both the Revd Charles Waring Saxton , an early migrant to New Zealand , and of Somes 's solicitor , Edward Saxton .
17 She was the sister of William , who was a year older , and Christopher , who was three years ' younger [ qq.v . ] .
18 Matters were made worse when Chilperic had his wife Galswinth murdered : she was the sister of Sigibert 's wife , Brunhild , and not surprisingly Chilperic 's half-brothers ganged up on him .
19 She was the type of young woman who loves danger ; and she insisted that we lie down in the entrance way to a park .
20 After all , apart from being all of thirty-two , she was the wife of one of the editors and no woman was worth getting into trouble for .
21 She was the wife of SHIVA in Hindu mythology ; the Queen of Death and Terror , she is usually represented as drinking the blood of a victim and dancing on his corpse .
22 At Memphis she was the wife of Ptah and mother of Nefertum and at Thebes was identified with the goddess Mut .
23 As I have tried to tell you , she was the wife of an old friend and I 've kept in touch since she got divorced — ’
24 The response — on the day it was revealed she was the voice on the tape — was as staggering as it was overwhelmingly a vote for the Princess .
25 She was the Queen of France and the most beautiful and fascinating woman in Europe , but she fell out of love with her husband on a crusade to the Holy Land , when she met Henry the Second of England , who was much younger than her . ’
26 She was the Queen of the Pre-Raphaelite circle ; she was the high point of feminine beauty .
27 She was the consultant to Vietnam — The country not the war .
28 She was the opposite to Bertha .
29 She was the spirit of subversion .
30 Well , she was the subject of much interest and became one of the sights of London .
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