Example sentences of "she [was/were] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her lips move constantly , as if she were remembering a text , like a Hasid at prayer .
2 ‘ I 'm sorry , I ca n't help you , ’ she kept saying , as if she were chanting a mantra .
3 And if , it 's as if she were writing a diary , I decided .
4 If she were to open the door perhaps the blackness would be out there now , ready to swallow her , as it had almost done on that previous occasion ; or would she wander endlessly in a limbo of greyness , forever trapped between Johnny 's time and her own ?
5 Her voice sounded mechanical as though she were drawing a shutter across her pains and fears .
6 If , in Lady Chatterley 's Lover , the scales were to fall from Connie 's eyes and she were to see the worship of Mellor 's phallus for what it is , a means of subordinating and oppressing women , she could free herself and develop her authentic will , ego and individuality .
7 Only Lori could act as if she were meeting a bosom friend for tea and a chat , when the reality was something light-years removed .
8 He wondered if she were telling the truth and decided that it hardly mattered .
9 But in his grey presence her larks had soon seemed shameful , and she had disciplined herself as though she were entering an order .
10 Franca , with her almost black hair and her almost black dress , felt occluded , invisible , as if she were wearing a shadoor .
11 It was an innocuous question , so why did she suddenly feel as if she were facing the Inquisition ?
12 And what if she were to leave the shelter of the house ?
13 ‘ Goldie ’ Everard sounded as if she were delivering an elocution exercise .
14 [ The minority ] believes that no good would come to children , husband or wife if she were given the protection of the criminal law .
15 A stream of urine splashed into the first glass , and as it filled Estelle guided the stream to the next glass as if she were holding a hose pipe .
16 As the Rallye droned towards the lighthouse on the tip of Cap Camerat , Miranda felt as if she were breathing the air of the gods .
17 Yes she were having a look at a lamb , seeing if it were alright for the thing and er we decided that they would n't be alright because where her shed thing is , it 's too far away from house .
18 Her heart began to pound frantically , as if she were having an anxiety attack — but she was n't prone to anything like anxiety attacks .
19 She got in the car with as much ceremony as if she were mounting a camel .
20 Emily 's voice was quiet and measured , as though she were making an effort to remain calm .
21 Algy said , sitting on a low tapestry footstool by her mother 's chair and putting her forefinger on Lady Grubb 's big garnet ring as if she were pressing a doorbell , staring up at the implacable old head and thinking of nothing but of how to get her to look at one of the two people in the room .
22 He was staring at her , amazed at the reaction her words were having on him ; it was , in a way , as if she were suffering an agony similar to his own .
23 Wet through now , she felt cold and queer , as if she were starting an illness .
24 Later on there is a figure in confrontation with a Barbie doll , who shows a vicious streak as she cuts his throat and asks , almost as though she were offering a round of toast , ‘ one slice or two ? ’
25 Philippa was laughing in the perimeter of shadow that surrounded the light and Lee felt oddly stable looking down at Larry as if she were surveying an actor from the height and comfort of the gallery .
26 In the dark she had hammered at him as if she were driving a spike .
27 She sounded as though she was stating a fact .
28 By now , with the termination of Mr M 's role as tutor to the girl who refused to go to school , she was receiving no education at all .
29 In an unguarded moment , Iris had let drop that , while Bonard was paying her expenses , she was receiving no fee to run the course .
30 She twirled slowly , feeling his eyes on her so that it was as though she was receiving an injection of adrenalin .
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