Example sentences of "she [verb] she [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She led her into the house .
2 She led her to the gate .
3 She said it to Daphne when she phoned her after the weather forecast .
4 The popular myth paints a homely picture of the Queen Mother ducking around Diana as she schooled her in the subtle arts of royal protocol while the Queen 's senior lady-in-waiting , Lady Susan Hussey took the young woman aside for tuition in regal history .
5 When she told her of the plan to marry the child 's feelings came out .
6 ‘ I 'm glad she waited for the wedding to be over , ’ whispered Mrs Alderley in Theda 's ear , as she joined her by the French windows that had been opened to the terrace outside .
7 She followed her to the ladies ' washroom .
8 She kissed her on the mouth .
9 She watched her at the mirror .
10 Harriet hardly dared blink as she watched her through the viewfinder , terrified she might miss the moment she was waiting for .
11 She urged her into the centre of the room , where a bright fire burned .
12 erm , we 've never seen and they say this woman big crooks yeah , and the woman she got her dogs chain and she hit her over the back , she 's got all bruises , she told us after when when her report and
13 She took her by the shoulders and turned her round to face the house .
14 Rachaela could only take Ruth to the school in the mornings ; at least she saw her to the gates .
15 She went with Breeze to call upon Mrs Rossitter , who was so charmed with her voice that she engaged her on the spot to read to her for two hours every day .
16 She motioned her towards the chair , surreptitiously studying the young woman 's pale features , noting the deepening of the shadows beneath her eyes .
17 Taking out Gwendoline Bear , who went with her everywhere , she sat her in the middle of the bed so that she could see what was going on .
18 Mrs Mohammed-Holgate was the temporary lodger whom the police arrested when , many months after the burglary , the original owner of the valuables thought that she recognized her from the description given by the shop owner of the person from whom she had bought the jewellery .
19 Assuming that she is asymptomatic , she either depends on the male who infected her to inform her of the diagnosis or , if he does not , wait for the next person with whom she has intercourse to develop symptoms , discover the diagnosis , and then contact her with the bad news .
20 He was magnificent , but she must n't let the surge of unexpected excitement running through her blind her to the danger he could be to Dana .
21 Penry put his arm round her to shepherd her towards the moving row of taxis .
22 He pulled his hand gently from hers , and , still gentle , put his arm around her to hold her by the shoulder .
23 Desmond , after the briefest of mutters , hurried after her to tuck her into the car .
24 I never got near enough to her to tell her about the boxing and eventually left home as soon as I could . ’
25 ‘ What do you think you 're doing ? ’ he barked at her striking her across the face .
26 It is understood some of her attackers sat on her to pin her to the floor while others battered her round the head with baseball bats .
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