Example sentences of "she [prep] the [adj -est] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't strike her as the slightest bit funny .
2 He has just photographed her for the latest Dolce e Gabbana campaign in New York .
3 He treated her with the greatest courtesy , concerned that she should not be tired , or bored ; that the holiday should be nothing less than perfect .
4 He 'd threatened her with the direst reprisals if she dared to leave their suite , not guessing that wild horses would n't drag her away until she 'd cleared the whole matter up .
5 No hearts were going to be broken , he told her with the frankest face , if he were to run off with a Protestant and have a dozen kids .
6 Such a false position was not for her , nor for her was the taunt of cowardice , so she smiled and assented , and allowed him to drag her into the sparsest area of the room .
7 He had manoeuvred her just right , pressing her into the tightest corner , standing squarely in front of her so that she had no choice but to stare into his dark , angry face .
8 She must have some radar , he thought , that at the last saved her from the worst effects of his anger and frustration .
9 He might have been receiving her in the best parlour on a Sunday afternoon .
10 A change to teaching English to Italian children brought worse problems with ‘ il Signor Conte ’ , and a period married to a sisal farmer in Portuguese East Africa found her in the worst place on God 's earth .
11 " But Comrade Alice , " he reproved her in the gentlest way , " it is important .
12 Alejandro was all for putting a bullet through this she-devil 's head and dispatching her to the nearest abattoir .
13 She could borrow the grey , using its strength to get her to the nearest village .
14 When they drew apart at last Travis carried her to the nearest armchair , cradling her across his lap .
15 Allen took her by the arm and led her to the nearest stone shelter .
16 The magazine Fair Lady carries an advertisement in which a white woman addresses the reader : ‘ I discuss family planning with my domestic and take her to the nearest clinic .
17 Perhaps she could ring for a taxi , to take her to the nearest station ?
18 Travis was by her in two strides , helping her to the nearest chair .
19 Comfort piloted her to the nearest seat and hailed the waiter to order a brandy .
20 Yet they may have made no effort to give her anywhere she can go to , having allocated a large bedroom to one of their small children and relegated her to the tiniest bedroom in the house , to which she can never withdraw unless she actually gets into bed .
21 He took her to the biggest house , whose womenfolk she knew well .
22 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
23 A sentiment that ambushed her at the coldest moments .
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