Example sentences of "this is [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Erm this is bound up in the group 's quality system manual , which will be distributed to you on Monday .
2 All the intelligent pain of the victims , all the dreams of the unlistened to , all the entreating eyes : all this is swept up in the fierce rhythm of the hospital .
3 In addition , depth-first search minimises storage requirements , but ignoring objective function values completely does not seem very sensible and this is borne out in practice .
4 The third round is generally regarded as a consolidation round , and this is borne out in the figures with an average of 68.3 before the final charge to victory .
5 When this is deposited back in banks , again 10 per cent must be retained and the remaining 90 per cent can be lent out .
6 Most of this is tied up in grants , salaries and existing programmes , some of them five years long .
7 Casual labour from East London had shown little evidence of an ability to construct and maintain stable forms of resistance ( this is taken up in Chapter 5 ) .
8 This poem is about the death of one of Wilfred Owen 's fellow soldiers and this is focused on in the first stanza .
9 This is remarked on in an exchange between Zapp and Luke Hogan , chairman of the Plotinus English Department , before Swallow arrives :
10 But the purpose of all this is summed up in the phrase : ‘ that we … might be for the praise of is glory ’ ( v 12 ) .
11 The way in which this is worked out in law may be that it would be an abuse of the process of the court to allow the creditor under such circumstances to sue , or it may be , and I prefer that view , that there is an extinction of the debt ; but , whichever way it is put , it comes to the same thing , namely that , after acceptance by the creditor of a sum offered by a third party in settlement of the claim against the debtor , the creditor can not maintain an action for the balance … .
12 This is brought out in the answers Joanna Giles gave to the question about standards :
13 Although composition through improvisation is the major thrust of this department 's practice , this is carried through in a manner that allows children to become skilled in the basic techniques of certain musical instruments .
14 Some of the case studies earlier showed how this is carried out in practice .
15 This is carried out in relatively modern mercury and diaphragm electrochemical cells and consumes huge amounts of electricity — more than enough to power the city of Liverpool .
16 This is set up in a very similar way to above , but the advantage of using continuous stationery , is that only the sections for the height of the design will need to be joined together , because we can print the width sections as one continuous piece of paper .
17 All this is set off in grandiose fashion by the wide pearl binding .
18 This is set out in the statement but clarification may be needed as to whether the bands are to be of equal size or that ability grouping determines different sized bands .
19 In most cases this is set out in tabular form .
20 This is set out in an affidavit sworn by Mr. Roger Anthony Barnes , who is an assistant director of the Bank of England and the head of the Banking Supervision Division , in which capacity he is the senior official in the division responsible for the supervision of institutions authorised under the Act ; it was he who authorised and signed the section 39 notice , after discussion with the officers of the Bank of England immediately responsible for conducting the supervision of the defendants .
21 The firm 's position on this is set out in detail in Chapter 9 of the CFM but , in summary , concerns over possible limitations on the scope of our work and the possible requirement to return material supporting any advice given , it is our preferred policy to use the form of wording set out at 1106.4 .
22 ( This is set out in Chapter 5 , e.g. p. 55 , and Chapter 8 , pp. 111 – 13 . )
23 A code of practice was agreed by a working party of representatives of the local authority associations and DoE : this is set out in full as an appendix to the DoE Circular 2/81 .
24 This is set out in cl 12.1 of Precedent 2 .
25 This is set out in Chomsky and Halle ( 1968 ) , pp. 178–87 .
26 The background to this is spelled out in clear political terms in a DoE consultation paper of February 1980 :
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