Example sentences of "this is [adv] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is both an interesting and picturesque site , and one that is now well cared for by people who fortunately appreciate its significance .
2 This is both an interesting topic in itself and a theoretically important one ; for one of the questions I will ask about linguistic reform is what constraints and limitations there might be on its effectiveness .
3 People want to read about something different and with Mainz central to the rest of Europe this is both an important and controversial plant site .
4 In practice however , this is generally an unsatisfactory arrangement since the grips damage the metal and cause premature failure at the ends so that the result is unreliable .
5 This is surely an unsatisfactory way of dealing with these cases , where the degree of emotional disturbance is likely to be no less than that involved in most provocation cases .
6 This is rather an unusual request .
7 May I say Sandra I think this is probably an Inland Revenue ruling .
8 This is probably an aberrant copy ; but it may just represent a true 1692 state with the stage/page discrepancies in Act 1 already made good .
9 This is largely an individual matter .
10 As far as the public interest theory of regulation is concerned , this is largely an implicit rather than explicit model .
11 Although this is largely an innate ability , particularly well developed in a few people , we can all develop sensitivity in general ( which will help our massage skills ) by such means as meditation , deep relaxation and nature attunements ( see Chapter 7 ) .
12 Meisel 's criticism centres on the notion that the ruling elite is claimed to be a class ; this is already an important point in Pareto 's theory , and with Mosca the flaw becomes a fatal one , for he founds the power of the elite precisely on their greater organisational capacity , with necessary implications for their internal characteristics .
13 The toxin may or may not be present in strains of er C diphtheria and this is just an immunological test so I wo wo n't explain it in detail but what you can see is a a strip of er , filter paper which has been bathed in anti-toxin and growth of various different strains of the organism erm which , some of which do produce the toxin you can see lines of precipitation here and some of which do n't produce the toxin .
14 Anyway , the these erm , numbers do n't matter , this is just an arbitrary example .
15 They stress , however , that this is just an overall industry average and that , as market share accounts for only about 14 per cent of the dispersion of ROI among businesses , other factors need to be considered .
16 Erm , obviously , as soon as we get something , it 'll be put before the council , but this is just an interim thing ,
17 This is just an excellent piece of acting , that 's all .
18 This is just an obvious ( ? ) tip for anyone whos editor allows quoting .
19 The skill can be described as a group of inter-related subskills which do not require moment-by-moment attention , and this is also an appropriate description of skilled reading .
20 This is also an easy scheme to continue through into the living room , linking the two areas .
21 Warrant attachments This is also an attractive feature and has a positive effect on price .
22 But this is also an intelligent toddler : its list , including the likes of Terry Pratchett , Robert Swindells , Jean Ure , Jacqueline Wilson and Ian Beck , is certainly right , and given a couple more successful years is surely destined for a position very near the top of the class .
23 In ( 1 ) , a combination of directional and components strategies is being used and this is clearly an effective procedure .
24 This is clearly an essential attribute for articles of jewellery and functional items such as tableware .
25 Although not all elderly obviously experience mobility problems this is clearly an extensive problem for older people .
26 While this is clearly an unfair characterisation of much of the serious effort to achieve genuine permeation in many institutions , it is certainly true that permeated work need not have anyone in charge of it , need not demand any specialist expertise , and need not actually be visible to students at all .
27 This is clearly an important issue in radiation monitoring as the discussion of RIMNET above implies .
28 Unfortunately , although this is clearly an important and interesting exhibition it is not one that we would wish to accommodate here , essentially because — practicalities aside — we are not a general art exhibition venue , and as a matter of policy only mount displays which relate to our collections or , more broadly , to the world of books .
29 This is clearly an over simplification because , as was pointed out in Chapter 6 , a considerable proportion of public expenditure in the modern economy is demand-determined , at least in the short term .
30 This is admittedly an extreme case since Germany has passed from the , in theory , most complete pan-German political unity under Hitler to a situation where at least two states coexisted which could claim to be all or part of the German nation .
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