Example sentences of "this is [adv] part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If , as Hugh Kenner believes , Pound never ceased to love Dorothy even while he loved Olga , this is surely part of what he loved in her , an aspect of what she meant to him ; and so Pound 's feelings for and about England were , right to the end , not much less tormented than any English reader 's can be .
2 So when we look at the grimacing gestures of a chimpanzee and wonder at the almost ludicrous parallels with our own behaviour this is just part of a whole host of behavioural and anatomical similarities that show without doubt that we ought to be classified with the apes ( we are all of us primates ) , and that we share a distant ancestor with our diminutive caricatures .
3 And all this is just part of a programme that seeks to help women help themselves .
4 This is clearly part of the story , but there is another , perhaps more subtle , way of understanding such mobility .
5 in some areas there is a specialist home nursing service for the terminally ill and this is sometimes part of the services of a hospice ( these are usually called Continuing Care or MacMillan nurses ) .
6 This is necessarily part of the unwritten effect involved in any clinical trial .
7 This is now part of the Italian Embassy and was designed by Orsi some time after 1678 .
8 This is now part of the Roman Catholic rite , which has never had problems of rampant tuberculosis because of the cup .
9 Yet this is only part of his argument .
10 Fluka is known world-wide as a supplier of high quality chemicals and bio-chemicals for research and development and intermediates for industrial manufacture , but this is only part of the picture .
11 But this is only part of the story and can be very misleading .
12 Asthma , multiple sclerosis , osteoarthritis or Parkinson 's disease , for example , each carry their own set of implications for disabled living , and yet , of course , this is only part of the picture .
13 It must be clear that improved liaison between these parties will help , but this is only part of the requirement .
14 We will be dealing here mostly with the simple techniques of putting notes together in certain special ways , but in reality this is only part of the story .
15 Our concern is primarily with the government 's fiscal activities , and as emphasized in Lecture 1 — this is only part of its impact on the economic system .
16 But this is only part of the disagreement .
17 This is only part of Samson Agonistes ’ contextualisation .
18 Consequently , while it is true to say that the sentence with the to infinitive evokes a realized event , this is only part of the story : it also evokes the dispositions of the support previous to the realization of the happening denoted by the infinitive .
19 The British legal system is already in a bit of a sorry state but this is only part of the story because we are faced with a creaking Government bureaucracy that has often been shown by the Higher Courts to be acting in an illegal and unfair manner .
20 Theoretical research which fashions concepts and perspectives — this is usually part of an academic discipline or sub-discipline .
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