Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That doth nightly rob the dayrie
2 When I ask the fat ladies at the drop-in centre what is the one thing that would do most to improve the estate they say ‘ get rid of the kids ’ and they are only half joking .
3 It needs space to throw the dice and this is not practical in planes and trains where it can do most to relieve the boredom of a long journey .
4 It is a cruel irony that the man who has done most to reform the party and its policies , taking it to within a whisker of power , should be blamed for its failure to make the final leap to power .
5 The rise of public concern about the environment has done most to hasten a realisation among Conservatives that Thatcherism has its limitations .
6 It is to be doubted , however , whether they would have done so had the Monarch exercised a wide personal discretion without seeking the advice of Conservative elders .
7 We would not have done so had the fee been £600 .
8 Until now the work has had to be done manually using a form of surgical cement .
9 The most frequent reason is that the chairperson gets too involved in the task and does n't do enough to manage the process .
10 Despite Norman Lamont 's pre-election Budget most analysts believe the Chancellor did n't do enough to secure a victory .
11 Does the witness know how to contact you if they are going to be late ? ( 10 ) Do you do enough to help the witness get to court ; proper notice , instructions , map etc ? ( 11 ) Do you have a system for thanking witnesses regardless of whether they have to give evidence ? ( 12 ) Do you have an explanatory leaflet to give the witness ?
12 I found some cotton stuff that would do nicely to replace the sacking at our windows , and a pair of linen sheets .
13 He gave as the ground for his refusal Matadial 's acceptance that her statement to the police was incorrect , but Mr. Pantry did not oppose the application and their Lordships consider that the judge would have done better to read the statement before giving his ruling .
14 All Witney 's hard work was rewarded six minutes from time ; Mark Walton done brilliantly to keep the ball in play the slipped the ball back to Paul Lewis who crossed first time , and there was Steve Jenkins to head home and snatch a well-deserved point .
15 The Labour party first committed itself to abolition of the House of Lords in 1910 , yet it has done less to diminish the power of hereditary peers than either the Liberals or Conservatives .
16 A training organisation which normally recruited 20 young people at Easter and can not now do so saves the Government £7,000 .
17 ‘ Ah ! ’ he observed , as he had done at Bantry Bay , ‘ None but my brave English could do so brave an action ! ’
18 We 'd almost do better cadging a lift off a couple of tortoises . ’
19 It is only fair to add that some lawyers play exactly the opposite role , persuading clients who are itching for a zero sum fight that they would do better to reach a nonzero sum settlement out of court .
20 They would do better to read the chapter ‘ Developments in Yugoslavia ’ in volume iii of Prof Hinsley 's official history of British intelligence , part one , for a refutation of the claim that Tito did not fight the Germans , supported by copious and conclusive quotations from Ultra
21 The success of our work , with the full support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , leads us to believe that the American Government would do better to adopt a plan similar to our own .
22 Before considering making an application to the local council for a rent or rate rebate , an elderly person who is hard pressed financially should consider first whether her income is so low that she might do better to make an application for a supplementary pension , which brings with it other benefits ( previously described ) .
23 She 'd do better to throw the letter away unread , would n't she ? ’
24 ( Mackie , 1974 , Ch. 6 ) We will do better to consider the objection that science does not in fact involve or make use of a conception of causal and other nomic connection .
25 Nor will it do just to ignore the problem , for if one does one soon finds that one 's semantics is self-contradictory .
26 But it will not do just to dismiss the evidence of their experience out of hand .
27 This can be done easily using a scalpel blade , an old fashioned razor blade or a small sharp knife which is used solely for this purpose .
28 unc Since the metric system follows the place value method used in the decimal system , changing lengths from metres to decimetres , centimetres or millimetres can be done easily using the table of metric length .
29 The second requirement is to examine the mitotic cells under conditions where the inactive can be distinguished from the active X. Numerous methods are available which , for example , include autoradiography and systems of 5 " -bromodeoxyuridine ( BrdU ) substitution , but here , the simpler Kanda ( 18 ) method will be described ( Table 7 ) since it can be done quickly using the minimum of equipment .
30 ‘ We believe that the British Government must do more to oppose the job discrimination that has created unemployment levels two and a half times higher for Catholic workers than Protestant workers .
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