Example sentences of "do [adv] [pers pn] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Although if he had done so we doubt whether that committee would have thought it necessary to take any proceedings against the barrister .
2 We saw it on telly and the er what was it Crispen or er Crispen something typical vegetarian names and she was criticizing the television Top Of The Pops and how they could do better you know and they got an art
3 She said so it 's got to be done really she said and I feel so sorry for them she says because even when they get older they still wo n't be able to go abroad .
4 If in the exercise of his own capacity to do so he transfers or transmits the opportunity to B with the knowledge or assurance or expectation that the opportunity will consequently pass from B to C without any further act on A's part , he may be said to provide C with the opportunity indirectly .
5 Hopefully , she waited for him to return to her side , but when he failed to do so she realised that whatever he had been about to say would be left unsaid .
6 Also Leslie Silver said in the paper that although he wanted the national team to do well he thought that Leeds winning the title was far more important and that he would fight ‘ tooth and nail to keep Howard Wilkinson at Leeds ’
7 In doing so we felt that casual passers-by , looking in the window at the menu , would be more likely to come in knowing what price they would have to pay .
8 In doing so he discovered that there were spontaneously generated potentials ( the EEG ) as well as showing that it was indeed possible to detect electrical brain responses to stimuli .
9 In doing so he emphasized that if leaders of society were to maintain the allegiance of the masses they must demonstrate their responsibility for them , sustaining the aristocratic tradition of obligation towards the poor .
10 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
11 If you do then we hope that you will make every effort to come .
12 It does though I know that that programme that 's all being recorded there 's a funny atmosphere .
13 but the second way in which section fourteen arises is this slightly more oblique way , erm , it 's , it 's not really the question of competition law it 's more a question of administrative law or constitutional law , erm whether it arises on the question er , your Lordship will have to decide , but , if , if it does then we believe that our case is extremely strong , because what one is saying here is , is section fourteen a block to an article eighty five action , erm does it make it either virtually impossible or something lesser excessively difficult , er and we say er that that 's one aspect and two can we show it 's discriminatory , well we say first of all it is discriminatory because even on analysis of the bad faith argument they are putting in a claimant with an article eighty five case to an extraordinary length in order to make good his case , he first of all has to super declaration presumably that he is entitled to damages , but he ca n't get damages all he 's entitled to is the declaration if then do n't satisfy that claim by paying up and their not going to be ordered by the court to pay up because that 's a claim for damages and you ca n't have that then you have to sue them again on the basis of breach of bad faith , er no other provision in English law would go to that effect and that of course even , even that assumes whether rightly or wrongly and we say possibly wrongly that er , er the failure to comply with the judgment of the declaration would be bad faith within the meaning of the act , but even assuming it 's right it puts a plaintiff suing for breach of article eighty five in the worst position possible
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