Example sentences of "do [noun pl] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 DRA itself has done installers for the Transputer , 386/486 , MIPS , 68K , VAX and is looking at HP 's PA-RISC .
2 I 'm sure the win will do wonders for the team 's confidence , but let's see what happens for the next 5 games at least before we make rash predictions .
3 ‘ Freedy Starr ate my hamster ’ might do wonders for the circulation of the Sun but ‘ Caretaker ate school hamster ’ will be unlikely to do the same for your local weekly .
4 [ These would ] enable us to do things for the alliance which they ca n't do .
5 And it 's , I 'm going to do things for the house like I want to make erm Chris has put back the rail over my windowsill .
6 This is because they 're no good fur falconry proper — you can train them to fly free and return to you , but as they 're nocturnal it 's difficult to train them to hunt under ‘ controlled conditions ’ , particularly if you want to do displays for the public .
7 A classic case of a change of publisher doing wonders for the author .
8 I said , I said we 've been doing boundaries for the trial park today and they ran out of passes and gave us these and said they 'd be alright .
9 By the way why have n't you been doing games for the past I do n't know six months ?
10 We , we kept on er making or doing repairs for the Ministry of Works for about ooh seven or eight years after the war finished , which kept a lot of men working in Galashiels when we , you know , when they were n't very sure if they could come back to their old jobs .
11 According to the company 's product manager , Howard Green , ‘ it 's a fair assumption to make that the company will be doing implementations for the Alpha , but we 're still negotiating terms . ’
12 ‘ They do things for the fell of it and not for some kind of career motive .
13 Learn to be things rather than do things for the sufferer .
14 Trite though it was , Jean-Jacques Annaud 's version of Umberto Eco 's bestselling novel did wonders for the selling of young Christian .
15 With a record Johns price of $17.7 million , Si also did wonders for the book value of other works by the artist , already gracing his walls .
16 I doubt I 'll every do games for the remainder of my time in this school .
17 He does things for the Man sometimes .
18 Now he does voice-overs for the company 's adverts . ’
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