Example sentences of "do [not/n't] even [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was our opinion and that of , badly photocopied and written sheets of paper which did not even fit into the folders was not a good advertisement for our Institute .
2 The porter did not even pause in his stride .
3 He did not even think about Greg Martin if he could help it .
4 To his credit , he excoriated the lack of safety at the circuit , had the highest praise for the drivers who pulled Niki out of his burning car and did not even think in terms of his now enhanced championship chances , not only because he thought Niki would be back in Austria , but because he was honest enough to know that without the accident and Jochen having to re-start , he might himself have placed no better than third .
5 What , for instance , is the relation between ‘ Frenchness ’ and francophonie ( a term which did not even exist until recently — it is first recorded in 1959 ) .
6 He did not even go to London much , but lived in villages and small country towns .
7 They recognized that a return to the Carolingian situation , in which , in theory at least , all free men were bound by oaths of loyalty to the crown , was an unrealistic aspiration ; and they did not even succeed in asserting their lordship over all French rear-vassals , on the lines suggested by Suger .
8 Zack did not even bother with preambles .
9 I did not even complain to the British Medical Association — as I was in law entitled so to do — about the gross impertinence of a certain toothy and incompetent doctor in this very borough who imagined in his stupidity that I was incapable of reading upside-down the notes he was making on the other side of a desk at which I was once unwise enough to sit .
10 He did not even pretend to a crushing burden of work , only enough to complain comfortably about .
11 Most , however , did not even refer to education as relevant to economic growth .
12 It is interesting to note that no section of the book was devoted to cancer and the word cancer did not even appear in the index .
13 A sizeable proportion of the population did not even listen to the speech .
14 In 1701 – 2 , the Whig mayor of the small corporation of Wilton , Wiltshire , created nineteen new burgesses , all of whom were Dissenters who did not even qualify under the terms of the Corporation Act , with the result that in 1702 he was able to reverse the defeat suffered by the Whigs in the election of the previous year .
15 A day of celebration and a day of tragedy , one superimposed upon the other , so that Amabel , who did not even wish to be rational , found it easy to believe that Ben Braithwaite had broken not only Linnet 's heart , but Gemma 's .
16 Ruth did not even glance at her .
17 ‘ I 'll get a few shots , ’ Mitch said eagerly , but Felipe did not even glance at him .
18 Gravenor Henson , the leader of the Framework Knitters ' Union , they argue , did not even approve of Luddite actions .
19 The Premier League clubs were so unaninmous in their view against a second division that chief executive Rick Parry did not even call for a vote on the issue .
20 It was a dismal , disorganized weekend and a waste of valuable opportunity ; everything was left to ‘ flow ’ , which in practice meant that many events did not even get off the ground .
21 Many did not even get past their own wire defences .
22 A recent survey showed that over 40% of patients did not even know about the NHS reforms , let alone fundholding .
23 No doubt Angelina Langham , the upstart , did not even know about Thomas 's delicate stomach .
24 Many consumers did not even know of the charge until after the winter of 1948/9 when it was imposed ; because of cyclic meter reading , many received their winter bills only as the charge was lowered ; and some were never surcharged at all .
25 She frequently waited for the King outside Buckingham Palace , even though he did not even know of her existence .
26 And some who did not even know of the movie 's existence , who were not even born when it was made , are dead too , or mutilated , or orphaned …
27 Having reached this agreement , he allowed the king to take his time , and he did not even insist on returning to England , but renamed at Bec until a settlement had been reached .
28 He did not even wait to be told the subject of the phone call .
29 Her voice did not even echo in the passages .
30 At first it looked harmless enough , and did not even seem to be coming from the mountain .
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