Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [vb infin] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That doth not smack of observation ;
2 They sent me to Cambridge for a couple of terms — that 's where I first realized I must run — I do n't want to blaspheme about one of your famous institutions so I sha n't tell you the name of my college though you 're longing to know — the girls in their bed-sitters , the cocoa-drinking , the tittle-tattle , the atmosphere of heartiness or domesticity in the combination-room — But , my dear , it must be getting late and here I am telling you things that you know as well as I do . ’
3 I enclose a Statement showing the approximate sums involved in connection with your purchase but you will appreciate that these to do not take into account any apportionment of general and water rates .
4 Du n no about holiday , I said cor blimey !
5 I was about , I du n no about primary four age and someone in the playground , I think it was ca n't remember exactly what I was told , obviously , but it was something silly , you know , like
6 need a new kitchen , du n no about need a new back door , our kitchen looks totally different to them , oh I know what it is , they 've got their door to the living room in the kitchen , that 's what makes a lot of difference do n't it ? but it could be designed better than that
7 Du n no about tea ; fuckin good at makin a noise . ’
8 I du n no about Mary .
9 She did not aim for sleep , though , but lay there for an age wanting some of her anger back .
10 When he was reviled , he did not revile in return ; When he suffered he did not threaten But trusted to him who judges justly .
11 Wilson in particular did not shine in comparison .
12 But , in any case , I should have realized that a review of high seriousness like The Criterion , the circulation of which never reached 1,000 copies and I suspect hardly more than 500 , was supported by an intellectual minority whose allegiance did not wane on account of the neglect of a man of whom many may not have heard .
13 What he did not give in response to the many points made by my Hon. Friend the Member for Dundee , East ( Mr. McAllion ) were absolute guarantees and reassurance for the people who work for the Scottish Transport Group .
14 Of course he had some other assets , but the collapse of the central part of his fortune did not make for buoyancy .
15 This reciprocal position did not make for sincerity and real understanding .
16 I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council .
17 Maisie was also guilty of one of Al-Kaysi 's key errors , leaving the house excessively — a practice he quite clearly did not relish in women .
18 By offering better wages in Israel it placed an obstacle in the way of local industry , which did not benefit from subsidies or other forms of assistance enjoyed by Israeli industry .
19 The tests show people with symptomless HIV did not benefit in terms of survival or spread of the disease , whether they took the drug immediately on diagnosis or waited for the onset of infection .
20 Did not perish from starvation was
21 The place suddenly had its history of bloodletting to be sniffed , and yet even that was not exciting , maybe because the Nîmois did not roar for blood as the Romans had , but sunned themselves and discussed finer points of capework .
22 " You ca n't expect me to agree with you on every single thing , Papa , " he said , keeping his voice low so that it did not carry to Senator Sherman and his sons , who were strung out in single file on their ponies behind them .
23 In the latter case the passage was read at slightly slower than normal reading rate with care being taken to ensure that inflections or intonation did not carry across sentence boundaries .
24 The number of community psychiatric nurses in Newham was less than half that of Ipswich , and the hospital social workers did not intervene in cases where a client had not been an inpatient .
25 He was finding he resented people who did not care for Wyvis Hall as much as he did .
26 The dean 's daughter did not care for shell-fish , so they were forced to start dinner with caviare .
27 Jehana was trying so hard to demonstrate that she did not care for Alexei 's attentions that he was sure that she felt attracted to him .
28 Dorothy did not care for books , so Helen became a librarian .
29 She saw women , old gnarled Italian housewives , who did not care about popularity , who were quite composed in the face of sour looks , getting fruit and vegetables and even meat at a quarter the price paid by her affable husband and she resolved to become one of these women .
30 She took no interest in Rain but this time she did not care about Oliver either , or anyone else .
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