Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [adv] [vb infin] with " in BNC.

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1 I did not however communicate with any of my friends in England on the Subject save only Sir Ralph Darling .
2 But the ideas of a united Spain did not completely die with El Cid .
3 Zack did not even bother with preambles .
4 Political reality in England , as we have seen , did not exactly square with this European idealization .
5 Hunters from the south who took thousands of whales and seals did not generally compete with the indigenous folk or reduce the food available to them .
6 That special type of case was broadly one where the acts of an intruder , however continuous and far-reaching , did not substantially interfere with any plans which the owners might have for the future use of undeveloped land …
7 The flute did not really go with a guitar and sax .
8 His other trouble was that he did not really agree with Eden on policy .
9 On the other hand , the Polish bourgeoisie was of mainly foreign origin ( it did not therefore identify with the nationalist tradition ) and constituted the leading segment of the empire 's industry , dependent upon the markets of the whole empire , not a lesser Poland .
10 We have seen that there were two main forms of political alignment in Restoration England : the Whig–Tory one , which came to the fore during the Exclusion Crisis , and an earlier tradition of strife between Country and Court , which fed into , but did not directly overlap with , the subsequent party divide .
11 Even so , he did not fully dispense with the technique of the classical school .
12 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
13 ‘ The ambiguous reference to contributions Olivetti paid to ASST ( one of the state-owned telephone companies ) has been clarified , confirming that Olivetti did not ever work with ASST , but paid Mr Giuseppe Lo Moro , who acted as collector for the political parties for equipping the Post .
14 Furthermore , the figure stated for ‘ no ’ , probably also includes a number of those who wanted restrictions placed on the traditional model of sole practice ( and therefore answered ‘ no ’ to question 1 ) but who did not necessarily agree with the particular restriction proposed in question 2 .
15 By giving the vote to some ten million electors this élite had discovered that the people 's will did not necessarily correspond with those of their masters and Louis-Napoleon had reaped the benefit as the people 's choice .
16 I therefore wrote to express the hope that I had not appeared to expect him to intervene ; that I did not necessarily disagree with what he said ; and that my underlying feeling was that the Baldwin government , though apparently trying to get rid of a bad king , might damage the monarchy at a time when a great international crisis seemed to be upon us .
17 However , the arrival of the French did not quite coincide with the national uprising of ‘ 98 .
18 But I did not quite agree with Riegl 's methodology .
19 It did not spontaneously emerge with the need to solve specific management problems ; those management problems had first of all to be defined and identified .
20 The perceptions of the staff questioned about involvement in school finance decision-making did not often agree with that of the heads .
21 Robertson Nicoll 's daughters married army officers while his son became a physician ; J. H. Paton 's son became High Master of Manchester Grammar School ; Silvester Horne 's eldest daughter went up to Oxford while one son became a barrister and the other , Kenneth , the star of BBC Radio 's ‘ Round the Horne ’ series , programmes which did not always accord with the Nonconformist Conscience .
22 Holidays did not always coincide with hay weather !
23 They did not always meet with success , however ; Parker 's clergy , for example , refused to sign the address .
24 The latter notion is further supported by the tumour yields in the different groups , which did not always correlate with the mucosal proliferation rates ( compare Fig 2 and Table V ) .
25 Chairmen did not always agree with this interpretation , though they were aware that the Central Authority could in the last resort compel compliance by issuing a directive .
26 Police administrative districts do not neatly coincide with local-government wards , but the 1981
27 Some , as you will see , I do not altogether agree with .
28 If the sale is by sample as well as by description it is not sufficient that the bulk of the goods corresponds with the sample if the goods do not also correspond with the description .
29 Indian er in India still has a very class-ridden society and er you know from the the top caste do not even associate with the lower castes and there is a terrific there 's still a terrific sense of that .
30 According to Alistair Kelman , however , many companies do not even comply with the Companies Act by keeping detailed records of what goes on in their computer systems .
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