Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Such general concerns do not belong and do not fit into the straitjacket of a system of pressure-group lobbying and organization .
2 It grew colder still as the night fell , a crackling frost under a sickle moon , but the coldness did not reach into the Norderns ' flat and it would not have done so even had the central heating broken down , the joy and relief of the family generating enough warmth to melt the polar ice-cap if necessary .
3 Nails did not go into the shop but stood looking up the road .
4 They did not go into the forest or , at the most , only a hundred yards or so .
5 Coroner : ‘ It seems to me deplorable that you did not go into the workhouse . ’
6 ‘ But I did not go into the priory , if that is what you are asking , Clerk .
7 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where ex-girlfriend , Sandra Sturgiss , was working .
8 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where ex-girlfriend Sandra Sturgiss , was working , but staggered into a neighbouring office , ablaze from the waist upwards .
9 He did not go into the United Friendly office , where his ex-girlfriend , Sandra Sturgiss , was working .
10 Tenderness and languor did not fit into the ‘ Young Soul Rebels ’ scheme .
11 If there was a Libyan involved , the police proceedings were accompanied by self-help action , although the influx of foreigners had created a number of potential offenders and victims who did not fit into the system .
12 The success of the Anglo-Catholics and the revival of the Church of England produced by both Evangelicals and High Churchmen did not fit into the plan prepared for the new century : it is no coincidence that both Anglo-Catholicism and the new Free Church Councils were mainly confined to England 's towns and cities .
13 Some may be seen 20 or more years later to have been seminal but were ignored because they did not fit into the theories current at the time .
14 It had been realised by this time that , even if polythene did not fit into the then accepted mould for plastics , which tended to be glassy substances like polystyrene and Perspex , it might still be useful .
15 It was accepted that some specialists and a class of supplementary clerks would be needed , but they did not fit into the overall scheme .
16 He did not think into the human heart , as Wordsworth has done .
17 A 225-bp PCR product amplified from cDNA of patient A using oligonucleotide primers B5 and A3 ( Fig. 5 a ) was digested with Taq I. This amplification product did not cleave into the expected 107bp and 118bp fragments in the patient , indicating that the loss of the Taq I site was in the coding sequence ( at cDNA position 1,704 ) .
18 He reached out to her but she did not move into the offered harbour of his arms .
19 The Late Pleistocene humans in the Philippines seem to have lived in the savannas , so that the pre-historic Negritos probably did not move into the forest until they had seasonal access to cultivated starchy food unavailable in the forest itself and they evolved a lifestyle to collect forest produce for trade .
20 The Eastons did not rush into the task .
21 There was once a poor shoemaker who had three fine strong sons and two pretty daughters and a third , who could do nothing well , who shivered plates and tangled her spinning , who curdled milk , could not get butter to come , nor set a fire so that smoke did not pour into the room , a useless , hopeless , dreaming daughter , to whom her mother would often say that she should try to fend for herself in the wild wood , and then she would know the value of listening to advice , and of doing things properly .
22 The door did not lead into the shop as Wycliffe had expected but into a minute hall with the shop door on the right , and stairs leading up .
23 ‘ In his profession he found a force stronger than the temperament he had inherited from his family ; instead of surrendering to his natural instincts he followed a clear , straight path , and did not slide into the wretched muddle in which all the other Rougons perished . ’
24 Though the number of Russian diplomatic missions abroad tended to fall somewhat in the decades which followed his death — there were nineteen in 1779 and ( largely for reasons of economy ) only fourteen in 1800 — the country did not relapse into the isolation of the seventeenth century .
25 On neither score is there any universal agreement , and many would deny that the objections are well grounded , holding that they rest on over-simplifications , and that even to the degree that Barth did move in the directions suggested , he nevertheless did not fall into the extreme positions of which he is held guilty .
26 This support , however , did not fall into the president 's lap ; David Stockman regarded both Republicans and conservative Democrats as very suspect allies , unreliable when it came to budget cuts and with little stomach for serious tax reduction .
27 The items of costs in the solicitors ' bill that Stamp J. was considering did not fall into the category of litigation costs .
28 These committees were to work in concert with the police and with the KGB ( which , under a Nov. 23 USSR Supreme Soviet resolution , had already been given the responsibility of ensuring that food aid from abroad did not fall into the hands of speculators ) .
29 Labour 's consumer affairs spokesman , Nigel Griffiths , called on the Department of Trade and Industry to issue guidelines to firms disposing of damaged goods to ensure that packaging did not fall into the wrong hands .
30 Around him the usual Massgoers , Benedicta included , watched fascinated as Athelstan urged the soul to go out to meet his Christ , whilst he , Athelstan , priest of that church , summoned God 's army to meet this unfortunate man 's soul ; they were to lead it into Paradise and ensure it did not fall into the hands of Satan .
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