Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There chips just a tiny bit well you see you do n't do it with style the way me and Emma do take you to Palma sit on a bench eating them !
2 They were not sure Labour would win , and did not want it to .
3 They did not want it to be too obvious , since observing the search would provide them with great amusement .
4 The sort of people who wanted a house that size these days did not want it in the high street of a market town , and this young woman surely would not have the income to keep it up .
5 It sounds like a typical design-by-committee product , but to the general relief the closest boat to this , the anodyne German Teeny , did not make it past Dover .
6 But let me tell you now about just a few of those entries which did not make it to the final but which , nevertheless , had several redeeming features .
7 Alington allowed him and two other canons to introduce the daily sacrament on condition that they did not expect it to be part of the cathedral 's official usage .
8 Althusser uses this case to support his claim that Marx held a complex view of social change , and did not regard it as the outcome of a single contradiction between the forces and the relations of production .
9 He believed in the chain of command : he communicated with civil servants through their ministers and ( with occasional exceptions ) with ministers through the prime minister ; and he did not regard it as his function to supervise the actual process of implementing decisions .
10 To know he had considered her ‘ special ’ was satisfying , but she did not regard it as a signal to fall headlong into his arms .
11 It was not everyone who would have relished going off into the dark forest ; Lugh did not relish it at all , in fact .
12 Thereafter , although the Florentines continued to import English wool , they did not carry it in their own ships , and in the 1480s proposals were made for a wool staple at Pisa , with English ships having the monopoly of the carrying .
13 Many of the delegates were later to become officers , and although Eva did not realise it at the time people in high places were again taking note of her presence .
14 De La Rue 's sale of the Crosfield Electronics printing equipment business did not relieve it of other losses in advanced security equipment and in spite of the new cash surplus , the interim results are grisly .
15 De La Rue 's sale of the Crosfield Electronics printing equipment business did not relieve it of other losses in advanced security equipment and in spite of the new cash surplus , the interim results are grisly .
16 Yet I recently visited a hi-tech company which was fully conversant with activity-based costing yet did not do it on a regular annual basis .
17 His version of human freedom and motivation could easily have included poverty as a ‘ rational ’ reason for crime ; and there was no necessary reason for him to equate his social contract with the status quo as far as property relations were concerned ( after all , he did not equate it with the status quo in many other respects ) .
18 Edward did not create it from nothing , but he founded a new town — King 's Town — on the old site , which he manipulated especially on the western side .
19 When he said he was moving to Loxford to start another life before it was too late , she thought of abandoning him but she did not think it for long .
20 He therefore did not know whether , if the contract had been carefully read , the company would have observed that the information provided from the analysis did not enable it to be notified of matters that needed investigation .
21 She certainly did not blend it with the crowd .
22 Also , the other reason that I did not leave it in the centre of the airfield was that the flares , the gooseneck flares ( a device with paraffin and a sort of rough wick ) , were laid out for night flying .
23 Ragusa was able , however , to develop its overland trade with the Balkan hinterland , as this activity did not bring it into direct competition with the seaborne trade of Venice .
24 ‘ I did not bring it for that purpose , ’ said Andrus hoarsely .
25 I did not mean it at all , I thought it was vaguely amusing .
26 No — ’ he quickly laid his hand on Owen 's arm in the Arab way — ‘ I did not mean it like that .
27 When he said to Cassin " Nous sommes la France " , he did not mean it in a rhetorical sense .
28 He merely strengthens the conclusions of the three wise men , who think that there may have been some recent decline but who certainly did not atribute it to the national curriculum , as the hon. Gentleman did .
29 She sent for her confessor because she was in mortal sin ; she had withheld from him in confession a sin of which she was ashamed , but because he spoke sharply to her , she did not confess it at all this time either .
30 She fell to her knees by the head of her youngest son , cradled it , yet did not lift it from the snow .
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