Example sentences of "do [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All you can do is study the situation as thoroughly as you can and be clear as to what the issues are and who is going to be affected by the decision .
2 What we can do is examine the concept of power from a number of different perspectives .
3 What the hon. Member should do is to draw the matter to the attention of the Serjeant at Arms , and it will be investigated further .
4 I 'm sure you have had the time , what you do n't do is make the time because
5 All you can do is to notice the spelling when you read .
6 You do not put oxygen into the water by bubbling-in air bubbles — what you do do is disturb the surface , and create greater gas exchange between air and water through a larger surface area of water being in contact with the air ( either at the surface or ‘ around ’ the bubbles . )
7 But , as Jon Edgson says : ‘ All we can do is start the ball rolling , after that it 's up to the individual concerned .
8 All that we can do is to set the visitor in motion ; but having done so , we can not review his decision .
9 The most ministers can do is to argue the case for change and enable the changes to be made .
10 Chris Haskins , head of Hull-based Northern Foods , adds : ‘ Under the Thatcher regime , it was always : the market will determine everything and all we 'll do is control the money supply .
11 What you 've got ta do is get the money of her .
12 All you got ta do is turn the oven on to heat the meals up .
13 But we all we can do is reflect the position of women in society , and I do not think that what 's we 're about and I do not think it 's what the parliamentary Labour party .
14 Position positional isomers branch chain functional group and there 's one other odd one which has a very peculiar name and the name it normally goes by is a fairly old name , now I 'm not sure at this stage if that name is still used but what I 'll do is to describe the form of the isomerism first and let you decide what you would prefer to call it .
15 What television can not do is convey the rise and fall of the holes and show how undulating the land is .
16 All we and they can do is to resist the degeneration of a justified action of international collective security into a United States ' imperial ego-trip , to stop the affair getting further out of hand , and in doing so to prevent the UN , the only available base for world order , from falling into lasting discredit .
17 After the first two movements , after such great torture , all you can do is let the music flow .
18 All the computer can do is to reduce the drudgery , freeing the brain in front of the screen to do more productive things .
19 At the time of writing , all I can do is to encourage the reader not to despise prophecies , but to test everything , pay attention , look and see whether these things come to pass : test the fruit .
20 Oh well done , all you got ta do is find the agenda now .
21 One thing we do n't do is put the dog on the couch .
22 ‘ All we can do is put the football right and you only do that on the pitch .
23 If the fish is whole , and the fishmonger has done the decent thing — removed the guts and gills , which would taint it during cooking — all you need do is immerse the beast in any container large enough to hold it ( ideally a fish kettle ) , cover it with cold water and bring it gently to the boil .
24 But one thing I shall not do is belittle the wonder of the living " watches " that so inspired Paley .
25 If you 're going to rerelease a former Sizzler at a knockdown budget price , the least you can do is reprint the plot on the inlay !
26 What they do not do is to make the case for charging token sums to a small minority of users .
27 In order for the UK to emerge successfully out of recession , the last thing the government should do is to make the acquisition of new skills and ideas , through education and training more expensive . ’
28 Unfortunately the mouse does n't eliminate the keyboard completely , the basic information still has to be fed into the computer but what is does do is to make the manipulation of that information much simpler .
29 I mean what we can do is set the oven .
30 You collect er well all you 've really got ta do is buy the paper Monday to Friday collect four coupons
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