Example sentences of "do [vb infin] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He did throw out a hint- ’ I stopped .
2 If the courts did throw out a case that you 'd dealt with , you stood a chance of being sued over it .
3 The son of Topsider did make up a lot of ground in the closing stages , but by then it was far too late .
4 Erm , we do know quite a lot about erm , why it is that when you diet you start to think about food all the time , and why it is that certain things happen , and I think that there 's more and more information and knowledge being gathered and yes , the na , the desire to change has to come from the individual but perhaps , having clinics available where people can go when they 're ready to change or where they can get help .
5 You do know quite a lot but you 're thinking , phworgh where does he get that from .
6 It will be the first time Michelozzo has tackled 1 ¼ miles , but he did win over a distance of 1 mile and 50 yards at Nottingham in April .
7 We did win away a couple of times ( one was a 4–1 win at the high flying aston villa ! ) .
8 Of course the young girls , they sometimes started off very enthusiastic and perhaps did do quite a lot without realising the implications and effect of it but the older women often had trouble keeping up .
9 But while Ireland did show up a number of flaws in the English team 's make-up , one game does n't make a tournament .
10 And to qualify for that grant , you have got to submit two er your programme for the year and you 've got ta give the secretaries , you 've got to give a report and you 've got to give your balance sheet and er , Jean is always , I must say , very pleased with mine because erm you know , we do give quite a lot to charity .
11 Of course I did study quite a bit of Chopin in my early years , and there was a brief ‘ middle period ’ during which I played one recital in Vienna consisting entirely of Chopin Polonaises and Liszt Rhapsodies !
12 ( iii ) Lastly , non-causal nomic connections are stated by numerical laws different in that they do specify how a magnitude varies with time .
13 Erm I did give out a plea about two hours ago that I lost my umbrella at the music festival this weekend .
14 But when he came into the picture it had been cast and the script had been done , and he did bring about a lot of changes .
15 The Green Revolution did bring about an increase in the production of food , which is needed for both urban and rural populations .
16 Yeah , but they do grow out a bit too .
17 But for finance houses , as for other main lenders , home interviews as a matter of regular routine would be prohibitively expensive ( though some , as a check on the performance of their normal more remote assessment process , do carry out a sample of home interviews — say , one in twenty ) .
18 ‘ I 'm afraid I do look rather a fright . ’
19 I 'm rather fond of this outfit and it did cost rather a lot of money .
20 But er , there was n't really any even though it was quite , we , we , we did have quite a lot of glasses .
21 Recently I did take up a form of gardening , indoor gardening .
22 I only looked , I did take quickly a look at them but , you know I thought oh I ai n't got I did n't really have time to mess about for long you know .
23 For your call , we do have quite a number of callers on the line at the moment , if you could just be patient with us , because the time now is half past twelve .
24 But I do have quite a lot of tall plants , Water wisteria , Hygrophila and Polysperma as well as some bushy plastic plants .
25 I mean I got er the only th part erm I did mess up a bit was the the part here .
26 And fashions of the eighteen-forty did rely quite a lot on very close fitting garments , so I do n't , I think that 's the reason why they were n't more popular and did n't develop faster than they did .
27 Mbuna do scratch quite a bit , but regular flicking is a sign that all is not well .
28 She did go away a lot but normally told somebody first so it was odd .
29 Sheila and Annie did go on a bit last time .
30 He did go out a lot .
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