Example sentences of "do [adv] know [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You know could be I 'll I 'll a large part of it may I do n't know whether all of it but a large part of it will be here 's the English for you know that sort of thing .
2 They did not know that liberal humanism was powerless in the face of fascism .
3 The jury which made the award did not know that 56-year-old Susie Quintana had lost her long fight for life the day before .
4 It was Eric 's turn next : his presenter appeared in jogging track suit , and false beard , and needed to do little more than puff heavily round the stage several times intoning ‘ no , not on the roof , no , not on the roof , to bring the house down , rousing laughter even from those who did not know that these were the mysterious words that the Warden had uttered in a loud cry when abruptly roused from slumber during a session of group therapy .
5 He then answered her gently , saying that he did not know that particular poet but that he knew so-and-so and so-and-so from Italy .
6 He did not know that ten years would have to run before on 2 July 1976 the National Assembly of the united Socialist Republic of Vietnam endorsed the unification of the nation , proclaiming Saigon to be Ho Chi Minh city .
7 I did not know that this is going to happen . ’
8 Alix herself was not mimicked , or not that she could see : she did not know whether this was a sign of affection , contempt , or indifference .
9 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
10 At his deposition , North 's aide Robert Earl offered a breakdown of those who knew about the Iran operation , those who did not know and those who knew a bit of it , like a game of Chinese boxes .
11 ( Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouse .
12 A nuclear explosion is what it could have been , but you do not know that that is what it was . ’
13 The great , distinguished people of the world do not know that these beggars can in the pride of their souls , look down on them as the unfortunate ones , who are left on the shore for their worldly uses , but whose life ever misses the touch of the lover 's arms . ’
14 Shallow people ( who eat in nasty restaurants ) do not know that these are the things that matter .
15 So they do not know that white Rhodesians behaved in a relatively civilised manner compared , say , with the French in Algeria or the Portuguese in Mozambique .
16 I have to say here that I honestly do not know whether such experiences are examples of genuine recall or figments of the dreamer 's imagination .
17 That same November , I escaped from Oxford life by securing permission — I do not know whether such authorization is needed these days — to go to a performance in London by the Group Theatre in Great Newport Street , under Rupert Doone , of Sweeney Agonistes .
18 ‘ We just do not know whether economic wind generators , still less economic wave-power and geothermal power , is going to be developed , ’ he said .
19 Nor can the stability argument be regarded as the last word , as we do not know whether general relativity itself will be valid right up to the space-time singularity .
20 I do not know whether poor , dreamy Grandma knew what it was all about , or whether she just gathered , in a vague way , the drift of things .
21 I do not know whether that is being emulated elsewhere , so I am asking rather than making a statement .
22 I do not know whether that means that he has changed his policy or is distancing himself from the official line of the Labour party on unemployment issues .
23 I do not know whether that is the answer but , as my right hon. Friend the Member for Selby ( Mr Alison ) said , in too many cases the playing field is not level enough .
24 I do not know whether that is a serious matter , but given the right hon. Gentleman 's experience and standing , I should have thought that the Opposition Front Bench spokesmen would take careful notice of what he says .
25 We do not know whether most of what we have observed in this field can be generalized to other fields or , indeed , to less intensively studied parts of the same field .
26 We do not know whether those who have received an agricultural education run more profitable agricultural businesses but I imagine most people assume they do .
27 We do not know whether these underlying conditions are responsible for the low CD4 counts .
28 I find Dr. Proudie and some of the characters such as Mr. Harding and Eleanor Bold rather pathetic and not worthy of sympathy — I do not know whether these are the sentiments Trollope hoped to arouse , but though I obviously dislike Mrs. Proudie as we are supposed to , I find that I can admire her and sympathise with her for having the bad luck to be surrounded by such people .
29 I do not know whether Conservative Members have given any thought to what the present discount system is likely to do — it is more likely to accelerate the disintegration of the family than to bring people together .
30 In truth , however , we just do not know whether this is impossible .
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