Example sentences of "do [adv] you know [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Someone was supposed to have come up to me and said , ‘ Did n't you know that there are many starving people in Ethiopia ? ’ to which I 'm supposed to have said , ‘ Yeah .
2 Did n't you know that these were not originally invented to wind yarn on to ?
3 Did n't you know that everything you learn , and everything you suffer , will come in useful at some time in your life ? "
4 Did n't you know that Venus holds sway over both of us ?
5 The other thing that 's annoying about that is it then forces you into a completely useless small conversation such as : is that so-and-so ? and they say ‘ yes ’ , and you then feel like , they say ‘ yes ’ , as much as to say ‘ Well , why did n't you know that anyway ’ , and then you feel like saying , ‘ Well why did n't you say so ! ’ and you start off on the wrong foot .
6 Do n't you know that there is a fucking war on ?
7 Do n't you know that in your life too there are mountains and there are valleys ?
8 Do n't you know that Freddie Nash is now sharing Major Hallett 's cottage , where we had that party before Christmas ?
9 Do n't you know that all I want is for you to be happy ? ’
10 Do n't you know that this planet is , do n't you
11 do n't you know that this planet is running down , that time is short .
12 Do n't you know that whatever was between you is over for good ? ’
13 Caspar , genuinely appalled , said , ‘ But do n't you know that it 's almost the most dangerous place in the whole of Ireland ? ’
14 Do n't you know that you caught me at an age when Taureans are at their most vulnerable ?
15 Do n't you know that I would never hurt you ? ’
16 Do n't you know that there is n't a bus till dawn ? ’ he rasped .
17 Do n't you know that Venice is packed with visitors ? ’
18 Do n't you know that a really submissive maid soon learns to please the Master in every way … every way , McAllister ?
19 Do n't you know that by now the Press will have dug up everything they can about your past ? ’
20 Enticing you might be , but do n't you know that variety is the spice of life ? ’
21 She said in a tone of simple surprise , ‘ Do n't you know that you ca n't love someone without being hurt ? ’
22 Do n't you know that faith can move mountains and build pageants out of gold and silver ? ’
23 Do n't you know that Leeds fans express their affection for a player by verbally flaying him alive .
24 Do n't you know , do n't you know that it 's true love you 're the one I 'm dreaming of .
25 But do n't you know whether a solicitor 's going to be here for the committal proceedings today ?
26 Do n't you know whether Amy phoned you or not ? ’
27 Anyway , do n't you know if you look good in photos ? ’
28 Do n't you know if they 'll move ? ’
29 So I do n't You know whilst I would have normally if I 'd been teaching a class done about five or six examples of that , that 's all you 're gon na get .
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