Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To have done so would only have raised expectations and created disappointment without necessarily allaying the suspicions concerning the objectivity of an inevitably subjective selection procedure .
2 Failure to do so may well lead to the qualifying of the published accounts .
3 In all probability the machine would be replaced once the ‘ laugh ’ was over , and failure to do so might well lead to censure from others in the Rowdies group .
4 Although the defendant programmer would not be allowed simply to copy the programs in question , he would not be required to " wipe clean the slate of his memory " because to do so would unduly restrict his use of his own training , skill and experience .
5 It was the time when he had to choose between , on the one hand , learning to limit the purely sensual pleasures offered him by his physical evolution , and on the other hand , accepting that failure to do so would either destroy or delay the enjoyment of the much broader and deeper pleasures which were becoming available to him by virtue of the developing emotions within him .
6 To do so would seriously undermine our understanding of how people are not only constrained by , but also through their actions change , the deeper structures in which they are caught up .
7 Furthermore , he says he can find no example of a large mainframe user ever downsizing , adding that to do so would inevitably lead to lower company profits .
8 To do so will effectively set a precedent for other dischargers who will soon discover that McDonald 's is operating at an advantage .
9 You should not let a rift with a subordinate widen to such an extent ; to do so will probably call your managerial qualities into question .
10 To do so can only waste costs if the report is unfavourable .
11 The objections to assessing whether the hearing would have made a difference are not confined to those expressed by Megarry J. A superior court in the context of review is not in a good position to calculate whether a hearing would have made a difference , and to do so could well leave the individual with the feeling that he has not been afforded any opportunity of controverting the public body 's view .
12 To do otherwise will merely support conservative South Africans in their belief that the country has already changed enough to gain international respectability .
13 Taylor could risk Platt at Wembley next Wednesday , but the feeling is that doing so would not go down too well with Juventus .
14 Even the thought of doing so would not enter the hearts of most .
15 For the record , too , the Press spokesman said the president only had the haircut because he was assured that doing so would not tie up traffic at the airport .
16 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
17 Doing so might well have saved them . ’
18 Not doing so will also create negative results .
19 Universities are trying to educate as cheaply as possible , but in doing so can frequently produce collections of study aids that infringe and compete unfairly with publishers ' original texts .
20 ‘ We recognise all the work that goes in to promoting a greener Middlesbrough and what we are doing here will hopefully strengthen that community involvement . ’
21 Simply comparing the incomes of those experiencing military service with those who did not will not do .
22 She , I bet she did n't dare not come , after you said
23 Do n't let's just say drugs are bad , because for every one that has a bad time , and some people have a terrible time , you say some people die , I accept that .
24 She told Nick and said , ‘ Do n't let's ever quarrel like that . ’
25 I do n't ca n't suit me that much !
26 In Chapter 4 I stressed the importance of preparation before planting — what you do afterwards can not put right what you fail to do before a plant is in the ground and growing away .
27 If I understand it correctly , the inset for Skelton is made not because of any question of Policy E Ten , but to recognize the existence of a substantial built-up area , which in the County Council 's opinion er does not can not perform a greenbelt function .
28 An R&D worker is aware that what he does today will not affect company output in this order of time span .
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