Example sentences of "do [adv] [adv] [vb infin] out " in BNC.

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1 I could see that Aunt Louise did not altogether rule out nuns .
2 Although this is true in relation to the intellectual background from which both Sutherland and Cressey were writing , it is nevertheless the case that Cressey , in particular , was sufficiently part of the positivist tradition to be interested in a precise , quantifiable theory which did not automatically rule out such mechanistic approaches .
3 He did not immediately get out of the car but turned and looked at Sara .
4 He did not completely rule out qualified majority voting on foreign policy issues .
5 Gazza did not even come out for the second half — he had proved all he needed to prove to any disbelievers still out there .
6 The local magnates who did not personally carry out thefts were very rarely tried , although some middle-level headmen were convicted for forging sale vouchers .
7 One piece of research which I contemplated some years ago , but did not actually carry out , was a comparison between people who do go to the theatre and those who do not .
8 Although the open civil war which so many feared did not then break out ,
9 On Aug. 9 Cuomo stated that Bush could be defeated by an aggressive campaign which focused on domestic issues , but suggested that he was not interested in seeking the nomination , although he did not entirely rule out the possibility .
10 While in talks with his own advisers the president did not necessarily rule out armed action at some later date , he vetoed a CIA plan to " topple Nasser " .
11 Matters , unfortunately , did not quite work out that way .
12 The Government did not yesterday rule out including part-time students in its loans scheme , although it opposed excluding students in Scotland from the new legislation .
13 She did not deliberately set out to make herself interesting to men .
14 Although this did not always turn out to be quite what was expected , it was at least memorable .
15 If the results did not always work out in the way intended , the blame for the failings of the criminal justice system can not be attributed to any lack of zeal to legislate .
16 These studies on the fine specificity of structures recognised by blood group antibodies do not completely rule out the possibility that a different epitope could be recognised by the antibodies in the livers and colons of PSC patients .
17 They do not usually break out suddenly from their traditional framework and veer off in a new direction .
18 Robots , although they develop faults , do not usually miss out welds , or weld inaccurately , on a random basis , and it is possible to have them wired up so that when they do malfunction supervision can be immediately informed .
19 Doctors do not always act out the role of doctor , which confers the right to open a consultation , to ask personal questions about health , to instruct us to do things , and to close the interaction fairly summarily .
20 In practice they do not always turn out so much better , for a number of reasons .
21 As you can see , things do not always turn out well .
22 Methods that are simple in principle are not to be scorned , though they do not always turn out to be simple in practice .
23 Things do not always work out as simply as that , of course , but knowing the rules and drawing clear lines before the game starts are essential if misunderstandings are to be avoided .
24 Employers should note , however , that service flats do not always work out cheaper than hotels .
25 In this view , people do not directly act out what they see on screen , but treat porn as a means of wish fulfilment .
26 They do not suddenly appear out of nowhere or on the pages of a language textbook — which has much the same effect — but in varying sizes and on varying materials : out of ticket machines , on computer screens , under windscreen wipers , on hoardings .
27 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
28 ‘ Then you do not now rule out the possibility of murder ? ’ she said .
29 After a few months of this kind of thing , it was a wonder we did n't automatically walk out of our homes every hour , on the hour , when we were on leave , to look at the weather .
30 I did n't simply black out at the table , oh no .
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