Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Either what woman having ten pieces of silver , if she lose one piece , doth not light a candle , and sweep the house , and seek diligently till she find it ?
2 The rise of public concern about the environment has done most to hasten a realisation among Conservatives that Thatcherism has its limitations .
3 Until now the work has had to be done manually using a form of surgical cement .
4 Despite Norman Lamont 's pre-election Budget most analysts believe the Chancellor did n't do enough to secure a victory .
5 ‘ Ah ! ’ he observed , as he had done at Bantry Bay , ‘ None but my brave English could do so brave an action ! ’
6 We 'd almost do better cadging a lift off a couple of tortoises . ’
7 It is only fair to add that some lawyers play exactly the opposite role , persuading clients who are itching for a zero sum fight that they would do better to reach a nonzero sum settlement out of court .
8 The success of our work , with the full support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , leads us to believe that the American Government would do better to adopt a plan similar to our own .
9 Before considering making an application to the local council for a rent or rate rebate , an elderly person who is hard pressed financially should consider first whether her income is so low that she might do better to make an application for a supplementary pension , which brings with it other benefits ( previously described ) .
10 Scott expects ‘ pockets of horror ’ among those who hate sport or would do not relish a stadium at the foot of the garden , but he senses excitement generally .
11 May I I do not need an adjournment but may I back away from the microphone to take instruction ?
12 This can be done easily using a scalpel blade , an old fashioned razor blade or a small sharp knife which is used solely for this purpose .
13 He was a polite man , invariably correct and pleasant with Mrs Collins , so this was done deliberately to elicit a response .
14 I should do really got a clot in one of his legs as it means and went down the other one and got ta take it out , through smoking
15 Demand for second-hand equipment is high , and British dealers would do well to take a look at the opportunities , he adds .
16 The church planter will do well to set a goal of identifying and releasing others .
17 From what we know , it seems that the prudent PC user will do well to wait a while and see what other goodies DOS 6 will provide and then upgrade as quickly as possible .
18 If the occupier has reason to anticipate the presence of a child trespasser he would do well to erect an obstacle to entry that is not in itself dangerous .
19 If television is going to be with you , you will need to arrange stronger lights on the key focal points — you would do well to get a set of four ‘ redheads ’ ( 800 watt TV lights ) .
20 Because women 's work is never done , and underpaid , or unpaid , or boring or repetitious and we 're the first to get the sack , and what we look like is more important than what we do , and if we get raped it 's our fault , and if we get bashed we must have provoked it , if we raise our voices we 're nagging bitches , and if we enjoy sex we 're nymphs and if we do n't we 're frigid , and if we love women it 's because we ca n't get a real man , and if we ask our doctor too many questions we 're neurotic and if we expect the community to care for our children we 're selfish , and if we stand up for our rights we 're aggressive and unfeminine , and if we do n't we 're typical weak females , and if we want to get married we 're out to trap a man , and if we do n't we 're unnatural , and because we ca n't get adequate safe contraceptives , but men can walk on the moon , and we ca n't cope or do n't want a pregnancy we 're made to feel guilty about abortion , and for lots and lots of other reasons we 're all part of the Women 's Liberation Movement .
21 I mean they do it just do n't make an effort they just come round demanding money .
22 Do n't we do n't hold a lot of stuff for any period of time ,
23 See we do n't keep a plan , that 's the problem .
24 However they have done well to sign a number of top-grade sponsors , such as Fosters , Mars , Hewlett-Packard and Mitre , while selling the TV rights to Japan , South Africa , Argentina , New Zealand , France and Italy , with several hours of highlights on Eurosport and possibly ITV .
25 He suggests that their role is to signal rotations of the animal , and to do so using a co-ordinate system that is compatible with the other main organ for signalling rotations of the head , namely the semicircular canals , which are sensitive to angular accelerations .
26 Failure to do so constitutes an invasion of personality which the state is not entitled to commit if its claim to respect individual rights is to be taken seriously .
27 This meant that even though no goods had actually been received by the carrier 's faithless agent or that the goods received were misdescribed , the mere fact that a bill of lading had been issued by someone empowered to do so created a right to claim the value of the described goods .
28 To do so requires a comparison of the market-makers actual portfolio of investments at the time of the disclosure of the inside information , with the portfolio he could have had in the absence of the inside trade .
29 Mobility allowance , for example , could be extended to all older people who were eligible to claim it , but to do so requires an expression of political conviction that age discrimination is unjust .
30 An inspector is appointed in writing by his enforcing authority and must when required to do so produce a copy of his written appointment .
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