Example sentences of "do [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We read our lines together for the first time — but never as we would do them on the actual recording .
2 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
3 I mean , as you say , I cover all the points but because you do n't do them in the right order perhaps you muck them up
4 But I could do them in the smaller size . ’
5 ‘ I shall do nothing for the simple reason that — knowing Doreen — it would be a waste of time and effort .
6 A party that will attempt nothing for the unemployed at home will do nothing for the poor and starving abroad .
7 Unfortunately I can do nothing about the first two but it is my responsibility to protect your salary so that your wife and family are looked after .
8 She saw Naylor 's sharp glance go over her , but , while she quickly lowered her glance , she could do nothing about the unexpected riot of colour that flooded her face .
9 Ruth kept her distance from him but she could do nothing about the wretched aura that surrounded him .
10 She could do nothing about the cold or the slick damp that covered the walls , but she had gathered as much straw as she could and had made a bed in the driest of the cells .
11 You look at the skill you did n't know you had , put a label on it and think : ‘ Yes I do do that ’ , whereas when you first walk in you think you 've done nothing for the last 18 years .
12 The first was that , with the passage in 1832 of the Reform Bill came the full realisation that parliamentary reform had done nothing for the emergent working class , except to isolate it .
13 ‘ We 'd done nothing on the first two days here and I thought it was all going wrong .
14 The tragedy is , we 've done nothing about the exclusive reliance on interest rates , we 've done nothing about the continuing erosion of jobs , and particularly so in the regions , er and this government has er wasted the summer months ; when it could have taken action it has merely compounded the problems that are of it 's own creation in the mismanagement of the economy .
15 The tragedy is , we 've done nothing about the exclusive reliance on interest rates , we 've done nothing about the continuing erosion of jobs , and particularly so in the regions , er and this government has er wasted the summer months ; when it could have taken action it has merely compounded the problems that are of it 's own creation in the mismanagement of the economy .
16 Yes , they will go , but the government should do two things , and it should have done them in the White Paper announcement ; it should have said ‘ we are proposing to get rid of all advantages for company cars in tax terms and we are proposing to make sure that people pay by paying more road tax or more petrol costs if they have high gas-guzzling cars ’ .
17 He was so efficient , I 'm wondering if he could do something about the disgusting chick pea casserole they serve on the Intercity 125 .
18 If the Minister is genuinely concerned about maritime safety , he must do something about the massive proposed cuts in the coastguard service .
19 A Reagan administration in Sacramento , the voters were led to believe , would do something about the rising tide of crime in the state , would take people off welfare and put them to work and , above all else , it would get the government off the people 's back .
20 I mean , it needs to perhaps perhaps they can do something for the first couple
21 And I think that if people who are still smoking , and I think nearly every smoker is unhappy with their habit , if they will remember that and think that they can actually do something for the next generation , it 's not their fault , there are people out there , there are forces out there who are forced them to start smoking and who are trying to get the generation to start .
22 Right , and let's do one on the other one as well .
23 You can not do everything at the same time .
24 We must do everything with the utmost precision , and beauty of tone .
25 That would have been absurd because the word , ‘ converts , ’ itself implied that the bailee had done something with the bailed goods which was not authorised by the terms of the bailment .
26 Mum , look what I 've done Grumpy on done him , I 've done him in the right hat you see
27 But , then when you 've done it to the best of your ability and you ca n't really see the rewards , then you have to analyse why .
28 It is also the budget that has taken notice of what the opposition have actually said we listened to you we have not persevered with our original thinking , we 've talked to the officers , we 've listened to what you 've said , we may not have done it with the greatest grace possible but .
29 My reason for not having done it myself and my father 's reasons for not having done it with the National Gallery is that , in the case of Yale , I 'm looking forward to the day when there 'll be other people interested in English art who will give paintings or money to the Center for British Art just because it is the Center for British Art , where they would n't do it if it was the Paul Mellon Center for British Art .
30 And I 've done it with the same manager — Harry Bassett . ’
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