Example sentences of "they 've [been] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 The German Dynacord company remain relatively unheralded within the modern music industry , even though they 've been around for over forty years , in fact since the very inception of electronic amplification .
2 Thank you erm I hardly ever comment on these but I just , I was n't sure what because quite often these things go under another guise , but there are a number of schemes on the drawing board for investigation as you all know and Mr will know some of those they 've been around for , for some years .
3 they and er they 've been around for centuries of course but er erm there 's all sorts of myths about them some of which are half-truths and some which un-truths .
4 They 've been together for fourteen years , they met at school .
5 They 've been together for the past six years — which she cites as one very good reason why she did n't fall for Craig McLachlan while playing his leading lady .
6 Mhm cos they 've been there for ages have n't they Mary do n't you think ?
7 But they 've been there for twenty years on that spot .
8 See look at all those cross pieces , they look as they 've been there for some purpose , you know ?
9 I mean these have n't just been put here , they 've been there for a long time !
10 She 's act she er they 've been down for a for a flying visit , I think , th they like to fly and fly back because it gets th the fre used to the freedom .
11 That is just called pentate it is not called E M penta any more equally you do n't have sec butile alcohol turk turt butile alcohol they 've been out for ten years !
12 They 've been out for fifteen minutes .
13 By which time the tenants have come home from work or they 've been out for a few hours , say they 've been out from twelve till six .
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