Example sentences of "they were [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 They were shot down in cold blood with their friends , by the KGB . ’
2 By this time , fuel and crew costs had made them uneconomic , and despite rumours that they were to be transferred to Bispham , they were broken up in Marton Depot by 1963 , all except one car .
3 The three cars on the Crystal Palace route were sold to Cohen 's at Thornton Heath depôt on 12 October 1935 and were to be broken up at Hampstead depôt , but they had to be held back until Crystal Palace route closed belatedly on 8 February 1936 , when presumably they were broken up in Penge depôt with the South Metropolitan cars .
4 Blenning Bombers , er were these Bostons and Harvards they er quite a twin engine quite a wide wingspan and quite heavy for what they were , but as they were stripped down in , in the top hanger , and like I say a lot of stuff was salvaged from them , which was still good as they went out reconditioned at the other end .
5 Yesterday they were spewed out in the aftermath of the Musgrave Park Hospital outrage but they were the same words which Mr Brooke and his predecessors have used time and time again after other bloody acts of terrorism .
6 THEY were cooped up in a university conference chamber listening to Ian Harley , head of the British Australian Studies Association , declare : ‘ This is an earnest academic meeting and the next few days will be strenuous and demanding . ’
7 Now we knew they had accepted the box as their home and would probably come back to it even if they were allowed out in the open .
8 They were set up in close succession by the Secretary of State for Scotland to study the curriculum ( Munn ) and assessment ( Dunning ) in the third and fourth years of Scottish secondary schools ; they kept in close touch with each other throughout their deliberations ; and they presented their reports with complementary recommendations at the same time .
9 But the figures are quite clear that there are benefits of having in-house erm erm , fields that can compete against the private sector for county council work , and the fear , and the reason why they were set up in the first place , to make sure that you could n't have outside erm , er or private organisations setting up cartels to basically screw the local government down , and charge whatever price they want and con us through and through .
10 That may be why chatlines , costing up to 48p a minute , have been popular with young people since they were set up in the late Eighties dangerously popular , in some cases .
11 The details of that title are nowhere given , beyond a statement that they were set out in the petition of the three estates which besought Richard to take the crown .
12 The details of that title are nowhere given , beyond a statement that they were set out in the petition of the three estates which besought Richard to take the crown .
13 When Mackay launched his cavalry at the attackers ' flank to try to restore the situation , they were caught up in the rout of the demoralised infantry , now stampeding from the field , while the victorious Highlanders pressed on unchecked until distracted from killing by the chance of plunder as they reached Mackay 's baggage train .
14 Many of the leading scholars amongst the South Slavs during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were widely travelled and had studied in France , Germany , Austria and Italy , where they were caught up in the intellectual ferment which was abroad at that time .
15 Yet they were caught up in the atmosphere and importance of the occasion .
16 After a storm they were washed back in dozens , but most of them were broken or half ground to powder .
17 But they were pegged back in the 41st minute when John Bumstead scored with a diving header from Scott Minto ’ s centre .
18 Pensioners Jim and Yolanda Byrne say they were told back in 1951 that they would only have to stay in their Liverpool maisonette for six months .
19 Pensioners Jim and Yolanda Byrne say they were told back in 1951 that they would only have to stay in their Liverpool maisonette for six months .
20 The few gypsies remaining on the site this afternoon , who 've asked not to be identified , claim they were picked on in a motiveless attack .
21 They were picked up in London , Essex , Hertfordshire , Bedfordshire , Bucks , Dorset , and Newcastle .
22 Then they were sat down in neat rows , boys on one side and girls on the other .
23 They did not express community , clustered around the green and church , in the adventitious manner of the true village ; they were drawn up in parallel lines to each side of the road .
24 It is noticeable that parents often react against their own experience so that , for example , if they were brought up in a too restrictive atmosphere with little spoiling , they may spoil and leave their children without enough boundaries and routine .
25 They were brought up in court and I think that influenced his decision .
26 they were carried about in .
27 They were laid out in the formal style 300 years ago by James II 's gardener , Guillaume Beaumont .
28 These cornerstones remain as firm in principle now as when they were laid down in 1981 , or when the blueprint was drawn in 1978 .
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