Example sentences of "they had [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They had stared at each other without speaking for a moment , and then she said , ‘ She deserves a five-shilling Christmas Box . ’
2 Temperature — an intense degree of heat — was the route that the big machines , the hot fusion tokamaks , had been following in their attempt to induce the nuclei to meet ; Fleischmann and Pons believed that they had stumbled on another way — intense pressures provided by the natural make-up of solid palladium .
3 The light was fading perceptibly now ; they had set out in the full glare of the midday sun , but they had ridden for several hours and dusk was creeping across the land .
4 Her one great fear had always been that she would lose her children — they were too precious to her , they had cost to much to lose now .
5 When children who knew more and less did respond , they were consistent in differentiating their response from what they had done for more and for less .
6 But part of her did want to repair some of the damage they had done to each other .
7 They were both slightly embarrassed at how they had clung to each other when the thunder crashed and how the daughter had nestled in , practically under , her mother 's nightgown when the sheeting rain slashed down around them , beating on the windows , just as when she was a little girl .
8 On the one occasion when they had met in those six weeks , it had been to visit flood victims in Wales , in the town of Carmarthen , which had been hit by the freak October hurricane .
9 And inside her an unbearable excitement was building as they had moved towards that luminous moment when the two of them would finally be one .
10 She had always suspected that he 'd had little time for any brain power that she might possess — just as she had always known that her chief value for him had been the almost instantaneous sexual desire they had felt for each other .
11 Even the route they had followed to this point seemed now to have closed behind them .
12 The oil mingled with the warm salty water which leaked from places in the ceilings , and that was one of the reasons they had asked for some sort of banister rail to hold on to in the narrow winding-stair .
13 They had fallen upon all sorts of riches , some immediately apparent but others that took some seeking out .
14 They had argued like this until the plane touched down in Belgium : Tweed uncharacteristically negative ; Paula positive and working out escape routes .
15 They had co-operated on several criminal cases ; the scoops that had brought her the professional acclaim she revelled in .
16 The Hospital quickly became unable to cater for all the victims of ill health , disaster and old age , and eligibility became restricted to merchant seamen only if they had served for some period in the Royal Navy .
17 The Conservative Party won only 42.9 per cent of the popular vote , less than they had achieved in any election between 1945 and 1979 , and did badly in Scotland and much of northern England .
18 As he spoke , he reached out for the hand that was nearest to him , uncurling her fingers from the tense fist they had formed without any difficulty as the contact had its inevitable effect on her .
19 They had referred to all the relevant authorities and had properly understood the principles and so could not be said to have erred in law .
20 They had looked at each other , disconcerted at this apparent lack of liaison , but McLeish had been reassuring : very natural that they had n't compared notes , extremely useful that he now knew how long the car had been there .
21 It had been gentle , a sweet , surprised discovering , and they had looked at each other shyly afterwards , unable to speak .
22 It was something they had dreamed of many times .
23 Worcester was burnt , and the shire ravaged , but few people killed : they had fled in all directions .
24 Whistling in the wind , that had been , because they had settled for half , and never recovered from the shame of behaving in the same way as the typists and fitters and laboratory assistants .
25 He said it as though they had settled in some remote outpost of the old British Empire and not in handy , holidaymaker 's Chiantishire .
26 He 'd given her so much and she would never forget him , but she would never confuse what they had shared with that elusive emotion — love .
27 The first time he had to include his brother 's name in an anecdote , his voice hardened a little , but soon he was talking much more easily , telling her of picnics and expeditions and even fights they had had with each other and with the Italian sons of their mother 's friends and relations .
28 As with the Greeks , they had found in each other an all-embracing spiritual compatibility .
29 They had bumped into each other that " day " , and were delighted to find each other .
30 Of the women who admitted to New Woman magazine that they had slept with another man about 80 per cent said they 'd done it because they were unhappy in their current relationship .
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