Example sentences of "they had [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They had stared at each other without speaking for a moment , and then she said , ‘ She deserves a five-shilling Christmas Box . ’
2 They had turned to longer films to attract better audiences and the device of the fiction film not only served to head off the challenge of reformers but also guaranteed an exclusive hold on mass audiences .
3 Within five minutes , they had received over one hundred enquiries .
4 They were also rooted in the past and in the nature of things — in the past , through the gifts of land , relics , and rights which they had received at various times ; in the nature of things through the physical separation of the British Isles from the rest of the world as an alter orbis .
5 The reasoning offered by the court centred on the fact that such persons had special access to inside information which arose from communications they had received from primary insiders .
6 They remained fearful of the opening of any loophole that would more easily expose them to fraud or abuse of the credit they had extended in good faith .
7 Temperature — an intense degree of heat — was the route that the big machines , the hot fusion tokamaks , had been following in their attempt to induce the nuclei to meet ; Fleischmann and Pons believed that they had stumbled on another way — intense pressures provided by the natural make-up of solid palladium .
8 The light was fading perceptibly now ; they had set out in the full glare of the midday sun , but they had ridden for several hours and dusk was creeping across the land .
9 Her one great fear had always been that she would lose her children — they were too precious to her , they had cost to much to lose now .
10 The Iraqis made the fullest use of these defensive advantages in 1984 to supplement the positions they had prepared on dry land while awaiting the half million or so Iranians whom US satellite photographs had identified as massing on the frontier near Basrah .
11 The Italian team went on to suggest a solution they had prepared from simple chemicals available in the fourteenth century .
12 Despite all the sparks they had struck off one another she had felt they were forging a deep friendship based on mutual respect and acknowledgement of each other 's special qualities .
13 They had lapsed into everyday small talk , but a strand of their previous intimacy still infused Luke 's questioning .
14 Li Yuan hesitated , then , composing himself , he began , itemising the discoveries they had made at various SimFic establishments : discoveries which had broken the Edict .
15 The history , culture and knowledge of these people were denigrated and the contributions they had made to European thought forgotten .
16 ‘ I want to know what tax concessions the Government believed they had made to British Aerospace .
17 In the area of closest scrutiny only 14 per cent of males ( 45/311 ) and 19 per cent of females ( 75/390 ) aged over ten at the time of the 1861 census were living in the same house as the one they had inhabited in 1851 ; but many of them had moved only a short distance .
18 They had embraced for mutual comfort .
19 The rest of the patients were recruited from the gastroenterology outpatient clinic , where they had presented with transient or persistent abdominal complaints .
20 They had suffered from twenty cases of arson in the last two months of 1921 , which he ascribed to White supporters of Kolchak .
21 In a recent National Computing Centre survey , 41% of respondents said they had suffered from physical security breaches , the most common cause being power failure .
22 They had marched along different paths .
23 Her expression was wistful , reminiscent , as she recalled how , once they had gone up endless stairs and were seated on the hard wooden benches , an attendant had come along and pushed them all closer and closer together so that as many spectators as possible could be packed in .
24 We recognized that they had gone through troublous times before .
25 All fees were abolished — they had gone from elementary schools in 1918 , at the end of the First World War , and now parents in Cardiff would not have to pay ten guineas per annum for access to Blake and Donne .
26 The things they had grazed on lay around the bed — the remnants of a baguette , some salami , tomatoes , a pot of cottage cheese , a big wooden bowl of fruit .
27 As soon as the opportunity presented itself , the likelihood was that they would show the same determination to seize the nobility 's land that they had displayed in 1905 .
28 They had separated in 1976 and Mrs Salperton had immediately embraced the privileges of old age .
29 Some Protestants opposed the weakening of the dominance that they had exercised in local government since partition .
30 But it seems probable that in the period 1183–5 the Counts of Toulouse were able to recover much of the territory they had lost in 1159 , above all Cahors and the Quercy .
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