Example sentences of "they had [adv] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This morning you discovered they had n't been with Peter Leary as they 'd told us .
2 Probably they had n't been on stage more than half a dozen times before they were put under this microscope .
3 They would n't have put that on if they had n't been on drugs !
4 Yeah , they had n't been in hospital for a few years , they have n't , I 've never known to go in .
5 Rufus put up two or three names , one being of someone they had both been at school with .
6 On the whole , they had either been through the English education system and had therefore a good command of English and a limited domestic register in their other languages , or they had been educated abroad and learnt their English as adults when they arrived in this country .
7 The militia lost heart at this news ; they had already been on duty for a month , and had been treated with extraordinary meanness by the citizens they were defending , who , they complained , ‘ would not even allow straw for the poor men to lay upon ’ while ‘ some were eight , some seven , and all six nights and days under arms upon the walls ’ .
8 The chronicler Roger of Wendover wrote that at the Council of Oxford in 1227 , ‘ the King caused to be cancelled and annulled all the charters of liberties of the forest , although they had already been in force in the whole realm for two years ’ : the earls who rebelled in July were said to have compelled the king to restore the charters by the threat of armed force .
9 The " ceremonious stomachs " of Russian ambassadors " whose Nation stands so much on Ceremony " were the subject of comment in England in the early years of the century , as they had already been in the reign of Elizabeth .
10 After 1983 , the ‘ frontiers of the state ’ were , in this respect at least , rolled back as they had not been since 1945 .
11 Fitzormonde and Mowbray had always been soft , they could whine and moan that they had not been to blame , but Horne had agreed to Whitton 's plan and built a thriving business on the proceeds .
12 Although a rich resource for trivialisation by the media , the women 's movement in the 1970s succeeded in making issues to do with women 's rights visible in ways they had not been for over sixty years .
13 If they had not been in the habit of seeing each other so often , at least once a week and sometimes more , talking on the phone every day , that appalling suggestion might have driven a bolt through their friendship , eventually destroying it .
14 ‘ Why , my lord , when we were left alone — and I think if they had not been in such haste to move on they would not have left a man of us alive to tell the tale — we first tended the worst hurt , and took counsel , and decided we must take the news on to Ramsey , and also back here to Shrewsbury .
15 Finally , some teachers did not return the questionnaire because they had not been in the school at the time of the review and felt that their knowledge of SSE as a general notion was too limited even to enable them to complete the section on general attitudes .
16 Nevertheless , it seems fair to say that by the 1530s social grievances were again being voiced to an extent that they had not been in the previous century .
17 They had never been on Scottish waters before and planned to go round Skye .
18 Living amongst the Indonesians , where the pursuit of wisdom virtually amounts to a national pastime , the elements of Earth , Air , Fire , Water and Ether became real for me in a way they had never been in the writings of the Gnostics or the Pythagoreans .
19 Then railways appeared and canal owners realised too late they had really been in the business of transportation .
20 They were marching behind the others with great dignity , accountable as they had always been for good order and common sense and respectable behaviour .
21 Yet , all in all , farming and the farm remained visibly what they had always been in most parts of the world : more prosperous in the developed areas , and hence investing more heavily in improvements , buildings , etc. , more businesslike in many places , but not transformed out of recognition .
22 By the late 1980s , the attractions of city life were not what they had once been for the peasants .
23 ‘ Work , ’ she told him quietly , her eyes seeking the dark depths of his for something that would relate to what they had once been to each other in Seville .
24 The Alpine snows closed over his militant steps , and the sinners he had excommunicated for one reason or another turned their thoughts from irregular union or simony , if they had ever been on them , and peered into the mists of what promised to be a very long vacancy .
25 ‘ Friends , many of them believers , came up afterwards and said it was the most beautiful funeral they had ever been to .
26 Nick 's friends wrote that it was the best party they had ever been to , a truly unforgettable occasion .
27 For a while my self-loathing and judgement of self went deeper than they had ever been in my life .
28 Maggie was shown into a very expensive flat that overlooked the river and she had one of her rare glimpses of the owner as he stood with his back to a roaring fire and regarded her through eyes that were just as sharp as they had ever been in his youth .
29 He said he had thought they had all been fighting on the German side because they had all been under a German commander when surrendering .
30 They did not pause on her arrival , though Alix , ever polite , waved obliquely to welcome her back : watching them , it occurred to Liz that perhaps in all the years they had all known one another , this was one of the very few occasions on which they had all been in the same room .
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