Example sentences of "they had [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They had to squeeze it off ears .
2 If they did catch anything they had swallowed it before surfacing .
3 So I said to the bloke in the shop have you got some shoes he can put , so they had to do it with his trainers on , but he 's made them extra long cos he 's trainer 's is that much bulkier , so er , I said to , he ca n't do it .
4 More than that , he felt insulted that they had hidden it from him .
5 A planchette , they had called it at school .
6 Five hours later officers admitted the £9,000 Bedford Astra had gone missing before they had checked it for fingerprints .
7 King Francis became so rotten that when they took his corpse to St Denis they had to put it in a lead coffin .
8 And then they decide , found out they had to put it in the fridge for twenty four hours , so there was I sitting there expecting a biscuit , I did n't get one .
9 He discovered that two Spitfires from 602 Squadron had actually met the ME110 head on — quite fortuitously — but it had been going so fast they had lost it by the time they 'd turned around .
10 By the time they had received instructions to follow and observe , they had lost it in a swirl of speed at one hundred and forty miles an hour .
11 They had done it for the joy of creating , without having to look over their shoulder at the censor .
12 The truth was that the two women between them had raised the nine million dollars needed to make The Dawn of Dreams , and they had done it with such consummate feminine grace that the handsome , silver-haired head of the family did not quite understand that his title of producer was merely honorary .
13 Instead , they had fed it with the only food he knew .
14 And when the snow thawed and took with it the paint they had daubed it with , he was out there picking off the remaining flakes of paint , and cursing with disappointment .
15 A short time before , estate agents ' men had put up a board to say that five houses were to be built — but they had erected it in the flower garden of the house instead of in the field as they had been instructed .
16 They had discovered it in the bed last night when one of them had found themselves lying on it , and it had been pitched out into the darkness .
17 When someone discovered something , they had to explain it to the others , and this reinforced their own understanding .
18 In 1899 , when the New York , New Haven , and Hartford Company had built their magnificent new station at Providence , Rhode Island , they had planned it without a train-shed .
19 It had once been a well , serving the monastery , but when the Red Guards had come they had filled it with broken statuary , almost to its rim , and now the water — channelled from the hills above by way of an underground stream — rose to the lip of the well .
20 They had swapped it for a modern flat in a concrete skyscraper .
21 She implied that they had heard it in the shop and Tony said reassuringly , ‘ Do n't worry about it .
22 His father had wounded another bull in the same herd , but not mortally , and although they had tracked it by a faint blood trail for an hour , in the end , to the senator 's ill-concealed irritation , they had been forced to abandon the search .
23 Michael was already there ; he sensed their disappointment when they saw him , they had wanted it for themselves .
24 They had accepted it for what it was , and never bothered to probe deeper , and she had followed suit .
25 The student 's friends said he was ‘ wacky ’ and ‘ into violence ’ , but until his murderous frenzy they had believed it to be entirely in his mind .
26 They had relayed it through the Royalbion representative there , Jim Fletcher .
27 Well it should n't it it did i but if you just went up to the top they got a pair of I should think about four or five lengths they had to take it off the sprocket and er course you see they
28 ‘ When they had read the publicity material offering help for the recently bereaved they had read it as an opportunity to be out and meet people again .
29 They had left it for me to finish alone on a chill blue , lonely morning five centuries later .
30 People had to have all this sex , she knew that ; they had to have it with surprising people and in sometimes surprising ways .
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