Example sentences of "they have [been] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 50,000 children are admitted into hospital each year because they have been drinking harmful products .
2 Of claims that the relationship was one of passionate intimacy , the brigadier said : ‘ They have been suggesting that for some time .
3 Directors have sometimes been called trustees , or commercial trustees , sometimes they have been called managing partners ; it does not matter much what you call them as long as you understand what their true position is , which is really that they are commercial men managing a trading concern for the benefit of themselves and all the other shareholders … they are bound to use fair and reasonable diligence in the management of the company 's affairs and to act honestly .
4 They have been called magic bullets because of their use in the treatment of cancer .
5 In the last 20 years they have been using invisible nylon gill nets half a mile long and more .
6 Sources said that they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks ' severance pay .
7 Sources said they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks severance .
8 South Yorkshire police have asked for 17 posts for the coming year ; they have been given 16 .
9 The recent Toyne Report ‘ Environmental Responsibility , An Agenda for Further and Higher Education ’ , commissioned by the DoE and the Welsh Office states , ‘ Everybody has some scope for doing his or her job in a more environmentally responsible way , and needs to understand the importance of this … but may well need more than this , either because they have been given specific responsibilities within their organisation , or simply because their organisation 's environmental impact is heavily dependent on the way they carry out their day-to-day tasks , and on the decisions which they have to take . ’
10 They are the seeds produced by the fern-like plants such as Mariopteris , but because they are difficult to link with their foliage they have been given separate names .
11 Here their superiors criticise them for failing after they have been given such brilliant training .
12 Mr Andrews believes they have been accepted this year because they are running as a family team .
13 Permission to offer switched services is unlikely to be denied , but the resale of International Virtual Network services will present more problems , as US carriers feel that they have been denied reciprocal access to the UK , where interconnect , access-deficit and leased line charges are higher than in the US .
14 They have been pestering other UN agencies , embassies and local traders , so far without success .
15 They have been fed non-sexist , multi-cultural books and toys along with their strained apricots ; they have been treated by female GPs , they have sat and watched Kaffe Fassett knitting and sewing on TV , but their ideas of male and female roles are as sexist as if we had never made the effort .
16 They have been made possible in consumer markets by developments ( i ) in the study of demographics and statistics ; and ( ii ) in Information Technology applications .
17 When the experience itself arrives , the hazards will be attenuated because they have been made familiar by being anticipated , and the individuals will already have been set on the path of healthy coping responses .
18 They have been made homeless with many put in camps all as part of what Serbs call Ethnic cleansing .
19 They have been paying ridiculous rents of up to DM120 for the little decent office space that now exists in eastern Berlin — about twice as much as they would pay for similar space in the western part of the city .
20 They have been protecting dissident groups and appealing for non-violence .
21 They have been leading separate lives for years now .
22 They have been doing this in Suffolk for almost 110 years , comforting the sick and lonely , and relieving the worries of the anxious and elderly .
23 By Claire 's watch they have been waiting eleven minutes .
24 They have been handed all the debt recovery work of Westminster City Council in one of the biggest steps by a local authority in the contracting out process .
25 But they have been saying that for 20 years .
26 They have been promised permanent showing : they have been given carefully considered hanging , and in some cases have chosen the position themselves ; their works are set off with surprising poise by the predominantly green and white college buildings and gardens , a complex severe and playful at once , severe in its geometry and playful in its romanesque quotations .
27 But BBC officials are waking up to the fact that , while they have been allocated both of Britain 's channels for high-power satellite broadcasts , the kind that could be received direct into people 's homes , they have no monopoly on low-power transmissions from satellites , the kind that could be picked up by central receiving stations — and transmitted via cable to homes .
28 The twelve select committees established by the Commons in December 1979 seem to have attracted enough criticism from the executive to suggest that they have been asking some pertinent questions , but their overall impact on policy has so far been slight .
29 It is this ability to regenerate that reduces many a garden enthusiast to tears when new flushes of dodder appear , as if from nowhere , on favourite hedges even after they have been pruned bare to get rid of it .
30 By s.24 goods are stolen for the purposes of handling if any one or four conditions is fulfilled : ( a ) they have been stolen contrary to s.1 ; ( b ) they have been obtained by deception contrary to s.15 ; ( c ) they have been obtained by blackmail contrary to s.21 ; ( d ) they have been subject to an act done in a foreign country which was both a crime in that country and had it occurred in England , would have been theft , obtaining by deception , or blackmail in this country .
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