Example sentences of "they are [adj] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them are reluctant to ask visiting relatives , who may already be doing shopping for them , to run extra errands , such as taking prescriptions to the chemist or clothes to the launderette or dry cleaners , changing their library books and collecting their pension ; so it is always as well to check to make sure that you are meeting these needs , or arranging for someone else to do so .
2 They argued that existing maps and digitized files from them are unable to meet these needs at global or regional scale and only remote sensing could help in the short term : the availability of stereometric data from the French SPOT satellite has already led to proposals for automated creation of global digital elevation models with a spatial ( XY ) resolution of about 30 m ( Muller 1989 ) .
3 But in the Guardian 's case they are fortunate to have such high reserves . ’
4 If they are fortunate to have enough money , where are they to find out that that helpline exists and obtain the numbers ?
5 RFL principals of an MNP are not prohibited from having separate legal practices as foreign lawyers , but they are obliged to institute certain safeguards so as to ensure that clients of the foreign legal practice do not believe they are receiving services through an MNP .
6 Under Russian law , they are obliged to convert half their declared foreign-currency earnings into roubles .
7 But to do so , he maintains , they are obliged to make impossible assumptions that " generate analyses that are completely off the mark " .
8 They are obliged to believe all that we tell them ’ .
9 ‘ If the custodian works alone on the site , sometimes it is not possible to spend much time with a school party — but they are keen to get good support material they can give to teachers .
10 As a first step in turning out a molecule of sugar ( which has six carbon atoms in it ) they are content to link three CO2 molecules together into a proto-carbohydrate .
11 The mail system is also used to inform users when they are due to perform some administrative tasks , such as assessing proposed changes or endorsing SSRs .
12 Except for those few unhappy souls who have so lost their emotional capacities that they are grateful to have all choice removed from their lives , each person who hears the prison door clang feels a desolation at being cut off from the life of the world and from those they love .
13 When travelling in Europe , they are shocked to see uniformed men , toting automatic weapons , roaming through airports and train depots .
14 Nearly half of these people never attend a place of worship and quite often they are unwilling to use religious language at all because they do not want to be associated with a particular religious institution .
15 The Conservative 's active citizen is essentially apolitical , doing service to the community in non-political ways , and the Conservatives sometimes give the impression that they are anxious to eliminate political activity from many aspects of community life .
16 They are right to say that .
17 They are concerned to find new ways and means whereby individuals can be freed from existing constraints and afforded the possibility of individual growth and development through collective action .
18 They are free to ignore social research , and often do .
19 The second part of the festival , which resulted in the final performance , raised vital questions about the way women relate to one another when they are free to make real choices .
20 In this respect too , the court is exercising its power of review , by identifying more closely for the police the questions that they must ask themselves in deciding whether or not they are entitled to take preventive action .
21 If people want to better themselves , they are entitled to enjoy this sort of instruction : it should not be denied them in a civilised society .
22 Audit forms with insolvency practices can acquire numerous associates as currently defined because in an insolvency appointment they are entitled to control 20 per cent or more of a company 's voting rights .
23 They are entitled to do that in a free European democracy , but we are entitled to hold our ground and to argue that we as a nation were never committed to a united states of Europe in 1973 , that we are not committed to it now and that we do not intend to pre-empt that decision .
24 It should be noted that material subject to legal privilege can never be seized but it appears that if the police chance upon evidence for which a warrant from a circuit judge is required , they are entitled to seize this by virtue of section 19 .
25 They are entitled to expect all the necessary encouragement , and legal and material support from the Government .
26 The added advantage for parents is that they can listen to audio tapes in the car on their way to work or as a background while they are busy doing other things around the house .
27 They are welcome to hold other kinds of fund raising events in the castle . ’
28 However , 70 per cent said that they are willing to pay higher prices for environmentally safe goods and services .
29 There is evidence too that people see the two sectors of health care as complementary rather than in opposition : they are happy to use private medicine for specific purposes but want a strong publicly funded NHS as the backbone of the health care system ( Taylor-Gooby 1985 ) .
30 Yet the red and black cinnabar moth has caterpillars which , while they are happy to eat innocuous weeds such as groundsel , are also ragwort specialists .
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