Example sentences of "they should not [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In Sweden , it is claimed that nearly 10,000 lakes have such high concentrations of mercury that any fish caught in them should not be eaten .
2 The fact that ECGD may have instructed them should not be taken as an endorsement of their expertise , official or otherwise .
3 G. R.Shepherd , the Labour National Agent , wrote to local Labour Parties in March 1939 , warning them against close liaison with the Club : Since groups of the Left Book Club are not entitled to affiliation with constituency parties , joint political activities with them should not be entered into , especially when these are in the direction of a so-called " Popular Front " with any other political party .
4 While the Danzig Poles were not keen for the city to come under Polish rule , they were nevertheless determined that they should not be penalised for being Polish , and in their own way they were proud of their identity — even if it did not quite amount to ‘ nationality ’ in a conventional sense .
5 Although this chapter and the next are about sex differences in the use of language , they should not be treated as an exhaustive catalogue of research findings on that subject .
6 But what is more important than anything else is that they should not be treated as packages and removed from one place to another and back again because the grown-ups are involved in a dispute and have overlooked that children have rights , and that children 's rights are to remain somewhere until after calm and sensible consideration and a decision by a court that the particular place in which they are living is changed by the decision of the court to them living somewhere else .
7 Expert private customers can elect that they should not be treated as private customers ; if they do , they are non-private customers .
8 They should not be given legal binding force .
9 Of course , the children should enjoy themselves , but they should not be given rich food .
10 An inspection of the table reveals overlaps between the three trends , and clearly they should not be seen as mutually exclusive .
11 County freeholders , often indiscriminately styled ‘ barons ’ , as indeed some of them were , whose estates had been erected into free baronies by a crown charter , were gentlemen landowners of the shire , the direct vassals of the crown , and most of them were fully conscious of holding a social position which demanded that they should not be seen to be in any man 's pocket .
12 As they stepped on to the landing he signalled her to go ahead while he hung back so they should not be seen arriving in the newsroom together .
13 One aim of it is to make opponents of abortion appear unpatriotic and out of tune with American values ; but the main message being conveyed implicitly here is that women are Americans too : they should not be deprived of the rights and liberties guaranteed to all American citizens by the US Constitution .
14 They er they they should not be received by me .
15 They should not be handled or taken away if found . ’
16 The more fundamental point about exchange rates is that they should not be maintained at artificial levels as is certainly the case at present , when sterling has to be supported by 14 per cent interest rates .
17 But it can not be stressed too strongly that there are places of great strength and potential for growth : they should not be squashed , marginalised and ignored .
18 The Libyan quarrel was referred to Bishop Dionysius of Alexandria , a very well-educated man , who sided with those theologians who stressed the distinctness of Father and Son ; they should not be said to be of one being but to be as distinct as the husbandman and the vine .
19 Cuvier insisted that the four types were simply different and equally successful body plans — they should not be ranked with the vertebrates at the top , since this would smack too much of the old chain of being .
20 Above all , they should not be imposed and regulated by a central power .
21 A.3.1 The Vendor can only warrant facts as at exchange : they should not be repeated at Completion .
22 So long as I hold the office of Home Secretary , I shall give no countenance to the view that they should not be prevented from being such a danger . ’
23 The Federation established industrial co-operatives with the intent that they should not be absorbed into or controlled by the Consumers ' Movement .
24 They also decided that two Albanians who had recently bought land in Zakuti should be boycotted , and that they should not be accepted as residents of the village ( Borba , 18 June 1986 ) .
25 They have come to the conclusion that , from the point of view of the welfare of the children , it is more important to the children that they should not be separated from each other than that either child should go to one of the grandmothers .
26 Birkbeck 's study of garbage pickers in Cali , Colombia , suggests that they should not be viewed as vagrants left behind by economic development but as workers who are part of the industrial system ( Birkbeck 1979 ) .
27 These funerary items were nearly always painted by heraldic amateurs — signwriters , coachbuilders and so on — so although they provide useful clues they should not be regarded as authoritative , but of course the fact that they are not can also form part of the story the local historian has to tell .
28 As for polyunsaturated fats , these are a preferable substitute in our diet , but even they should not be regarded as totally beneficial .
29 Cantors or animateurs could also have a place in those churches with a thriving musical tradition and they should not be regarded simply as emergency personnel .
30 They should not be regarded as simply a last resort , but involved in the consultation process surrounding possible action to prevent risk to employees .
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