Example sentences of "they could [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 They could explain to the child why he feels as though the world has turned upside down and why his remaining parent seems so upset .
2 There was a number of men who had passed for Sergeant 's rank , and the only way they could get it was to report another policeman so they could go to the chief constable on a discipline charge .
3 All went well until 1985 , when museum purchase grants were frozen at the level at which they have remained , the reasoning being that for anything really important , they could go to the NHMF .
4 For the past 27 years , if they needed help or advice , they could go to the Racial Equality Council centre in Gloucester .
5 But they 're worried that if they turn it down they could go to the bottom of the housing list .
6 Finally , they could contribute to the farm income by running their own tourist enterprise .
7 erm because basically the answer was because it meant finding erm making some new cash contribution to a hundred million word National Corpus for the nation , rather than , as it were , ‘ selling it ’ in inverted commas , the Corpus material which Collins , through the Birmingham University already have at their disposal , and the gap between the material that they could contribute to the project in kind and the erm role we wanted them to play just was n't compatible .
8 Surprisingly , relatively few women saw sheepdog work as a useful contribution they could make to the farm .
9 Legislation further restricting the employment of children reduced the contribution they could make to the family economy .
10 Both men loved Dartmoor , never happier than when the London season was over and they could return to the remote places which they had shared since childhood .
11 This meant that , although they could turn to the work of historians and anthropologists , they had to reinterpret that work in their own way .
12 At one time they could turn to the Government 's agricultural advisory service , but now this charges for its help and is too expensive to consult in many cases .
13 I could see Bonefish and his sons working the lateen-sail of their skiff way beyond the reef , perhaps looking for turtles which they could sell to the men who exported the rich flesh to the Japanese .
14 Private generators could either sell direct to final customers by leasing the use of the public sector 's transmission network ( the Act guaranteed access on specified terms ) or they could sell to the public sector electricity industry ( the Act required purchase to take place on specified terms ) .
15 The family brought every scrap of evidence or information they could find to the RUC , but that much prayed for breakthrough in the case never came .
16 The proportion responding that they thought they could trust the United Sates " a great deal " was 62% ( up from 45% in 1975 ) , a figure not matched by any other country : the closest was Norway , which 37% thought they could trust to the same extent .
17 If someone has looked after your child for 5 years or more they could apply to the court for permission to adopt your child .
18 He did suggest that Sir Archibald send out a couple of scouts to as close as they could get to the enemy camp without being noticed , to send back word of any development there .
19 FOR THEIR first UK appearance in 20 years , Germanic rockers Faust chose London 's notorious Marquee club as the venue to strut their stuff , surely the nearest equivalent they could get to the bowels of Hell !
20 They got stuck in a traffic jam , however , and were caught with tools and stolen Federal Express property before they could get to the works of art .
21 Knowing that half of Scotland had left their cars sitting in the middle of roads to make sure that they could get to the gig is not so much my horror story as the police 's , she chuckled .
22 They could listen to the pipe bands and Tina liked watching the Highland dancers on the raised platform .
23 While they could point to the fact that the town might have a poor bus system , could have better public amenities and that in winter it was dull , they could also point to the good health they enjoyed compared to when they lived in a large industrial city .
24 Moreover , Don Juan 's sympathies lay with the Allies , which contributed to making his followers in Spain believe that they could look to the Western democracies in general , and to Great Britain in particular , for support .
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