Example sentences of "they have [been] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who do not believe in delegation to committees argue that each of them has been elected by the public to watch their interests and therefore they should each have a voice in the decisions of every committee .
2 The first pre-retirement courses were held in the United States in 1949 , but it is only in the last ten to fifteen years that the need for them has been recognised in the United Kingdom .
3 However , none of them has been found in an archaeological context and they have aroused considerable suspicion : they could be relatively modern copies loosely based on Italic originals ; they could be genuine prehistoric imports ; or they could be perfectly genuine figures brought to Britain relatively recently as curios and since discarded or lost .
4 Each of them has been transformed into a breathtaking beauty !
5 Find out if any of them has been linked to Hendrique over the past few months .
6 Ordered , That , at the sitting on Tuesday 4th February , the Motions in the name of Mr Francis Maude relating to Supplementary Estimates 1991-92 and Estimates 1992-93 ( Vote on Account ) may be proceeded with , though opposed , until half-past Eleven o'clock or for one and a half hours after the first of them has been entered upon , whichever is the later , at which time Mr. Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of them .
7 Ordered , That , at the sitting on Wednesday 5th February , notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 14 ( Exempted business ) , the Motions in the name of Mr. Secretary Hunt relating to Local Government Finance ( Wales ) may be proceeded with , though opposed , until half-past Eleven o'clock or the end of a period of one and a half hours after the first of them has been entered upon , whichever is the later , at which time Mr. Speaker shall put the Question necessary to dispose of them ; and those Questions may be decided after the expiry of the time for opposed business .
8 Shown as a single work of art at the Tate Gallery and three other European museums in 1962–63 , those six canvases were subsequently divided and sold separately , and none of them has been included in any recent exhibition of Bacon 's art .
9 The second edition of this guide to medicines for older people and those who help care for them has been published by Age Concern England .
10 Efforts to help them have been hampered by a crippling shortage of transport and medicine .
11 On Aug. 17 a gunman killed two off-duty civil guards in the Basque town of Oyarzun , bringing to 622 the total of apparent ETA victims in 1992 , 18 of them having been killed in the period January to March .
12 There was a minimum of 22 active groups in the County at the end of our fieldwork , most of them having been established during the lifetime of the CMHTs .
13 Well you see they 've been brainwashed to that sort of music so they 're bound to , bound to like it .
14 The Beach-heads hear they 've been cursed by a Swells SOTW
15 If you er using a similar example , if , if you were looking after the neighbour 's house while they 're away on holiday and found that they 'd been broken into , then that would n't necessarily be a nine nine nine call , unless you thought there was somebody in the house .
16 Not even squatters camped in this place , so more likely they 'd been broken by locals scavenging for carpets or pipes .
17 For part of the trip in a flat bed truck they 'd been acompanied by armed guards , but no-one had told them why .
18 ‘ The Ministry would have been only too happy to hand you over stuffed and pickled if they 'd been asked in the proper way .
19 Illegal shipments seized at customs went round like a kiss at a party — police , SAS , departments like the one Todd ran … then on to the people they 'd been intended for in the first place — the syndicates who brought them down to street level , street prices .
20 ‘ When they 'd been separated for ten years , ’ said Mr Brownlow , ‘ your father met another family .
21 They 'd been separated in the fracas which followed their parachute descent into northern France , and she feared that Jeanne had been killed in the fighting .
22 I managed four , but they tasted like they 'd been pickled in piss . ’
23 What did he care about getting rid of the Corn Laws either — which was what the whole argument had been about — since they 'd been created in the first place for the benefit of his land-owning friends ?
24 But , at that time , none of us had seen Hell in person We 'd seen a picture of The Heartbreakers that Malcolm had brought back from New York — the one in which it was meant to look like they 'd been shot in the heart but in fact looked like they d all had the same accident with a ketchup bottle .
25 They 'd been entwined in an embrace , and Sandy 's hair had been spread like a fan ; by Aldridge 's account it had been a touching , harrowing sight .
26 They were there only because they 'd been stopped at gunpoint from going any farther — by the Turkish army , a key NATO ally of the US and Britain .
27 She was wearing biker leathers and cowboy boots which all looked as if they 'd been applied with the aid of a shoehorn .
28 They 'd been stored in a hangar which was totally destroyed .
29 must be when I looked at it they 'd been grown in the field , because it 's burnt , you can see it 's got this reddish muck where all the mud down
30 That last bomb had taken out those houses as if it had come with a great grasping fist and scooped them up and crunched them into rubble as easily as if they 'd been made of matchsticks .
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