Example sentences of "they have [vb pp] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These floor mats see they 've got little screw in things .
2 By the time they 'd exchanged passionate views on every subject under the sun , from politics to gardening , the supernatural to the world population explosion , she began to suspect she might be coming late to that teenage affliction , blind infatuation .
3 Detectives leading the hunt for Mrs Campbell 's killers said today they 'd made vital progress .
4 Detectives leading the hunt for Mrs Campbell 's killers said today they 'd made vital progress .
5 Well and they 'd made little buns .
6 After 6 months of specialist treatment here at the National Spinal Injuries Unit , doctors said they 'd made miraculous progress .
7 The Gotobeds were bad owners , you see ; our dad was killed by a rock fall that would never have happened , Mr Evans says , if they 'd taken proper safety precautions .
8 The time to consider whether one wishes to opt out and whether one was opposed to a certain system is always when a decision has been made , but I 'd have thought it would have been far in the interests of the people of Banbury and the children and parents of Banbury if they 'd taken full advantage of the discussion on the tertiary college and had made their opinions known , and in the light of the results coming out and say a satisfactory decision had arisen that was frankly the time to get into the business of opting out .
9 They 'd buried old Mr Rine that morning , she added , and old Mrs Crowley on Saturday .
10 They 'd targeted known hoodlums , sent plainclothes snatch-squads round-who wore cherry berets — and ‘ disappeared ’ the culprits .
11 She remembered the difficulties they 'd had repairing Starlings after the war , when you could n't get a brick or a plank of wood , not even if you was royalty ; and she remembered comforting Nell as each granddaughter left home .
12 A large number of dogs who end up in the rescue homes would be on the vet 's euthanasia list if they 'd had different owners .
13 er and Sharon never alt er cancelled that , well they come out and they said they 'd had Chinese flu so when I went into and had me chest done , I says I 've got the flu like , she says yeah she said I says I , I know , I said they 've got that Chinese flu she 's be
14 Out of the three statements from fellow travellors read out to the coroner , non said they 'd had previous warnings from either the travel company or the foreign office that the region they were in had experienced previous Muslim fundamentalist acts of terrorism against visitors .
15 And th th and they would be police ones if they 'd got blue lights and
16 And these stewardesses you know , they 're only just tall and ordinary you know well they they 'd got black tights , got black'uns on you know , all wore black'uns .
17 Oh Marks and Spencers when I buy those croissants they 'd got hot cross buns on sale .
18 And they 'd got some funny things but they 'd got foreign names and I thought well
19 And in , you know Woodboy Street Sunday night in the summer when it was a heat wave they 'd got little bow windows then in Woodboy .
20 they 'd got little bits to do , but there was
21 I see they have made new breadpans of the right size out of empty cooking-oil cans from the US AID supplementary feeding programme — these were brought out recently by a local agency who helped the women to build a new oven .
22 And what they 've done is they 've asked various volunteers , mugs , call them what you will , to be er recorded while they are carrying their out their normal duties .
23 They 've invited other representatives , including some from the Borough Council : and if they were women they could n't have gone .
24 They 've made hectic visits to Brussels registering your interests and meeting with those with greatest influence in the E C institutions .
25 So they 've made cheap labour .
26 The performers are a Czech band called Czecho-Mor … and they 've become regular visitors .
27 Despite the problems , the organisers say they 're confident they 've gathered valuable information about how to plan for potential emergencies .
28 Their victim says she 's delighted that they 've received long sentences .
29 How 're yuh gon na keep'em loyal to proprietary systems after they 've seen generic PCs is today 's equivalent .
30 Other people have got out and they 've done similar things to her .
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