Example sentences of "they be always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The characteristic verbal acrobatics of Brooke-Rose 's earlier work are kept to a minimum , and when they are employed they are always motivated in a naturalistic way .
2 At the same time , they are always heard in relation to the basic framework or expected effect which lies behind them and which they are varying : they are substitutes for the ‘ correct ’ formulae ; they can thus excite but not disturb .
3 A further point to remember in the presentation of data is that most people can not ‘ take in ’ lists of figures , so ensure that they are always presented in a diagrammatic form to show clearly proportions , relationships and trends .
4 They may also be interspersed among them or precede them , or follow them ; but they are always integrated into a conversation considered as a complete linguistic interaction ’ ( Abercrombie : 72:55–59 ) .
5 If you look at a small child 's eyes , they are always looking in the direction in which they are moving .
6 They are always pretending to be grown-ups playing soldiers , playing shop .
7 It is notable that when Adorno mentions examples of songs or musicians ( not often ) , they are always drawn from one narrow band of the spectrum : the hit songs and most popular dance bands ( such as Guy Lombardo 's ) of the 1930s .
8 The idea that older people live in the past , that they are always talking about the ‘ good old days ’ is common , and reminiscence has often been devalued as merely the aimless meanderings of an increasingly decrepit mind .
9 They are always dominated by the strong .
10 We wanted to address these issues and give mothers their names … for they are always introduced as ‘ such and such 's mother ’ .
11 They are always fighting on the margins just to stay alive .
12 They are always going to be disappointed .
13 They are always quibbling about the amount they are prepared to pay their staff while drawing enormous salaries for themselves .
14 Now if you think about commercial potatoes and the ones that keep , the late ones , they are always harvested after the have died down , a long time after , in fact some of them are still digging up potatoes now .
15 These questions are never asked seriously , they are always taken in the form of amusement or conversationally .
16 Cos they 're always cribbing about , er
17 Because they do things like that at customs because they 're looking , they 're always looking for drugs and things that should n't come in .
18 So they 're always looking for some intriguing way of saying metaphorically , ‘ Hey !
19 And they 're always collecting for babies unit .
20 I have a quiet feeling that this no reading and no a add up and all that stuff co co stems from the music they 're always listening to .
21 You know how they 're always shouting at me because I hit them too hard ?
22 they 're always shouting at people
23 A few birds with long beaks were poking around by the water : how come they stay so clean when they 're always delving in the mud ?
24 Cos that , I mean they 're always going to be useful I use them myself and I expect you all
25 If it was not Bradley Hall , it ca n't be Bradley Hall again , they 're always going in there !
26 Consequently , they 're always coming in a bit behind the boys because the boys have been playing for a bit longer , and I think it 's very important that if girls are being offered the opportunity that the opportunity is good for them , and that it 's not going to put them off the game of football because they 're always in the position where the boys consider themselves a bit better .
27 Well I remember Jackie telling me , she came back from sh she came up to meet me in London one day and she came up with the woman , a German woman , who at that time was a buyer for Army and Navy er women 's fashions and this woman said that the model girls who are so thin she said they 're always bursting into tears and crying because they 're under such stress to keep their weight down and their boyfriends do n't like it because the girls are are lovely to have on their arms to take out , you know everybody sort of goggles , you know , lovely slim girl with yellow half way down her back etc. but , in fact , these girls get very , very ratty !
28 Actually he 's not that friendly with Foxy but erm tt says they 're always arguing on the rugby pitch , they 're always , you know , stand at the back and slag each other off and say oh shit or stuff but then erm tt afterwards they sort of end
29 But the thing to remember is they 're always talking about something we 've already done , not something we 're actually doing at the moment .
30 Well you see they 're always talking about what we do n't get in this country , they do n't tell you what they do n't bloody get abroad .
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