Example sentences of "they be [indef pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ bad faith ’ operates among the doctors and pharmacists who allow their knowledge and skill to be abused ; among the politicians who wish to see themselves as community benefactors , while knowing full well that they are nothing of the sort ; and even among the poor who are so often critical of the medical ‘ care ’ they receive yet continue to hold out for a medical solution to their social and economic problems .
2 In other words , they are nothing like a representative sample of British society .
3 They are nothing like the divers we have tried to photograph and largely failed to capture because of their timidity .
4 COOK 'S NOTE : Commercially prepared Melba toasts are available , but they are nothing like the real thing .
5 ‘ They 're not doing their job but they 're something of a distraction . ’
6 And in general terms they 're something of the order of twenty five and a half thousand swellings committed to development in the county , together with three and a half thousand erm in in in draft local plans .
7 ‘ Heaven preserve me from all women ; they 're nothing but a damned nuisance when they try to ensure my number-one driver is handicapped before the race has even started ! ’
8 Reading some sections of the media recently , children of lone parents are talked about as as if they 're nothing but a drain on state resources .
9 Yeah , but they 're nothing but a bunch of wankers speak
10 Now that particular force if they 're anything like the other forces that I deal with , ai n't under the stresses and strains that we are .
11 The nerves on the first night at Taunton had been bad ; so had the understudy nerves of the first night at the Variety ; but they were nothing to the sheer blind terror that attended Charles Paris as he waited to go on stage in the role in which Michael Banks 's career had been so tragically cut short the night before .
12 Seen through the disapproving eyes of respectable citizens they were nothing but a disorderly and disorganized rabble , dropouts from the social ladder .
13 they were nothing but an excuse for idleness ; twelve hours being too many for a man to work underground without intermission .
14 The Report criticised the crew of the Croydon for not doing more to rectify the compass problems which they had experienced and for relying too heavily on D/F bearings , but it implied that the Darwin W/T station should not have stated the bearings of ‘ night error ’ , they should have known they were nothing of the sort .
15 Allan Lamb took over the captaincy and did his best , but it soon became clear that without Gooch they were nothing like the same team .
16 Growing up in Zimbabwe the group were as likely to hear a record by The Beatles as they were one by a local performer .
17 They were pretty much the style of suits that people wear now — double-breasted with peg trousers — but then they were something of a revolution .
18 They were something of a hotchpot .
19 To him , they were something of an adventure , a small knock at the system which gave him the illusion of individual importance .
20 Although very much the ‘ poor commons ’ paying for the most part a 5 per cent tax on their goods , they were anything but an undifferentiated whole .
21 But a part of them is one with the band .
22 The doors open and shut on their own , and beyond them is nothing but the void of space .
23 WHEN 20 representatives of the South African Cricket Union and the National Sports Congress sit down together in a Johannesburg hotel tonight it is to be hoped that among them is someone with the wisdom of Solomon .
24 ‘ In any event the system whereby I signed a book full of blank cheques in advance of you writing and issuing them was somewhat of a farce . ’
25 In this connection it is significant that the main 1979 survey showed that , if people themselves have not decided to start with which type of credit arrangement they were going to use ( in their most recent major credit transaction ) the most common source of suggestion for them was someone in the shop .
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