Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Finally she returns to her original distinction between female , feminine and feminist , and suggests how the relation between them might have implications for possible developments in the practice of philosophy .
2 They prefer to associate with the machine rather than with human beings , although they may make exceptions for fellow hackers .
3 They may claim damages for any mental anguish .
4 If women enjoy low status they may need sons for prestige as well as protection .
5 Or they may incorporate values for the degree of error of past forecasts when compared with actual results achieved .
6 Cos if you put survey instead of census at the bottom , I mean I know that 's not strictly speaking how it should be , but they must have signs for us to survey because they have their own , presumably they have their own surveyors go out and
7 He suggested they should undergo tests for Aids , sickle-cell anaemia , syphilis and hepatitis B.
8 Why should it seem odd that they should win Tests for Pakistan ?
9 Erm sixty six percent of people believe that the people you vote for say they 'll do things for you but once they 're in they forget what they 've said .
10 They 'll provide places for nearly three hundred pupils whose classrooms were destroyed by fire .
11 And they 'll have tanks for the sewage , which now drops straight down on to the tracks , of course . ’
12 They could carry goods for local co-operatives and state authorities .
13 Aberconwy Borough Council said the damage figure passed the point at which they could make requests for financial help to the Government .
14 whereas he 's got ta he says just one round here so they could make decisions for you .
15 The successful receptionist models could be used to devise special training to enable CAB receptionists to ascertain the depth of a problem ; they could serve the dual function of assessing which clients have just come in for a form or a local address and they could make appointments for others in person or by telephone and smooth the queue .
16 Apart from the holiday in Italy , they had not spent a whole night together more than half a dozen times in two years , and never at her home ; always when they could find excuses for them both to be in other cities .
17 These Working Groups would undertake tasks of a practical nature and they could provide opportunities for people not attracted to committee work to become involved and make a contribution .
18 And then erm they eggs would be in this incubator for about a week and then they used to arrange coops for them to go out do you see , we used to fence a field below the mansion , , in the field there , because there was a good in enclosure right round the two drives and then there were shelter you see .
19 They , they used to build wings for the , they had er all pop riveters and they used to b build wings for the planes that finally came up to the airport down there and erm it was very much a structural set-up as I say I used to have to take plates down there from the airport to be normalized , it was er a sort of softening treatment for aluminium and made them easier to shape and rivet them onto the main fuselage , but they , they used to make Harvard wings and cowls , engine cowls , for the Bostons and Havocs they were n't the one type of Boston was a fighter bomber and another one it had the front navigator 's position cut out and they used to have a search light put in there which they used to call
20 Oh yes , yes , they even had like they used to have savings ' weeks er salute the soldier week , they used to have promotions for National Savings you see and we used to get so much money or where they had a bid thermometer on the car park in Street which is now the extension of the Gala Baths and they used to show how much savings had been put in they used to have targets for people , to put the National Savings in , they used to have an Anglo-American friendship week .
21 Oh yes , yes , they even had like they used to have savings ' weeks er salute the soldier week , they used to have promotions for National Savings you see and we used to get so much money or where they had a bid thermometer on the car park in Street which is now the extension of the Gala Baths and they used to show how much savings had been put in they used to have targets for people , to put the National Savings in , they used to have an Anglo-American friendship week .
22 Well , they did do it , but they used to recharge residents for unadopted sewers .
23 I think I 'd been Yes a few weeks couple of three weeks perhaps in the slate yard behind there , they used to make slates for schools there .
24 Several of the victims said they would file lawsuits for invasion of privacy .
25 They would include orders for routine raw materials such as steel stock ; screws , nuts and bolts ; lubricants and fuel oil .
26 But they will expect rewards for their loyalty later , which augurs badly for forthcoming debates on both the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) , which many liberals oppose , and on welfare reform .
27 Being sports enthusiasts they will arrange activities for their guests including skiing holidays , guided walking tours , cycle trips , golf and fishing .
28 He wants a firm pledge from Labour that they will honour plans for a Cabinet Minster with a development brief .
29 I am satisfied that the proposals for NHS trust status for the south Ayrshire group of hospitals also meet the criteria which I have outlined , and in particular that they will secure benefits for patients and an improved quality of service .
30 A convention exists when people follow certain rules or maxims for reasons that essentially include their expectation that others will follow the same rules or maxims , and they will follow rules for that reason when they believe that on balance having some settled rule is more important than having any particular rule .
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