Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [verb] [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 Your employer has no legal or even moral obligation to house you , although they may advise you on what is available locally in the public and private sector .
2 The seeds are all the external influences that tend to throw us out of balance and they may affect us on any level of our being ; on the physical level it may be something simple like being exposed to a cold wind , getting soaked in the rain or even some form of trauma .
3 They may have something on file . ’
4 They ought to spend it on the speaker — I would 've thought that was obvious .
5 Margaret , can you give me a phone number for her because I thought if they do that they must put her on plays with us students
6 And erm , they they they must try them on human beings , and I 'm sure there are some people who are quite prepared to these tried .
7 There is no surplus from which to pay a dividend , but when directors asked for £162m of new capital through a rights issue at this time last year , shareholders were promised an unchanged final 7.64p , so they should receive it on July 1 .
8 All the creatures that we have to kill and eat , all those that we have to strike down and destroy to make clothes for ourselves , have souls , like we have , souls that do not perish with the body , and which must therefore be propitiated lest they should avenge themselves on us for taking away their bodies ( see Rasmussen , 1929 ) .
9 are plenty of others they 'll tell you on the course .
10 They 'll blame it on Pilate error ’
11 Ah they 'll show it on the news later on .
12 She 'll give a pound coin to one of the tinkers ’ children when there 're dozens of them running round , and she 'll let them see she 's got lots more pound coins , and then she has to give them all one or they 'll bang her on the head and take them . ’
13 I mean those , by and large , those who who need to listen to what I 'm saying to and take it on board wo n't and those who already do do n't need it anyway but they 'll take it on board .
14 Erm but I 'm hoping they 'll put them on a , on the table when we sell them in here and there 's that 's the first thing that 'll hit them is the turned legs you see ?
15 As a result , erm , prices wo n't be quite as volatile as they are in the opposite case , alright , when the world market , and virtually nobody , let's assume that virtually nobody uses the world market to trade in , they 've all got their own agricultural policies , right , just a few countries trade in the world market , it only takes erm , a , a sort of poor harvest , or a very good harvest in any one of these erm , er , sort of protected countries , in order to get rid of this output , they 'll put it on the world market .
16 Actually there was a little bit , they showed you the four goals on the television so they might show it on the nine o'clock
17 Or they might put her on a prison ship to Australia , as they 'd done with two girls from St Jude 's a couple of months ago , because — on those farms where the transported convicts worked all chained together — there was a shortage of women .
18 France and England never pulled together , for all they might find themselves on the same side . ’
19 My legs are wobbling , they could dump me on the lino .
20 Their relatives were overjoyed that they could see them on stage when they returned to their home town in the summer for a couple of weeks at the prestigious new Palace of Varieties .
21 He was silent for a while and they could hear someone on the telephone in the main room .
22 ‘ Would ye , ’ Rab asked ; he thought it the daftest question , ‘ if somebody tells ye they could fly ye on a kite ?
23 and then when it got over to the Clerks ' Department they used to stick it on another piece of paper so that they could put it on the file
24 but then they could hit you on the head if they saw you 've got it with you .
25 They used to use it like a canal ; anything that could n't be moved easily by land , they 'd stick it on a boat .
26 You might be in here , harmless , visiting somebody , and before you could say Werewolves Unite they 'd have you on the operating table , jacking both legs off .
27 If the authorities read that they 'd put me on the next bus to [ name of border area ] and keep me there .
28 You started , I forget one , you know they 'd put them on the bo It was all board and slates , there were no books , you know , no papers .
29 Oh yes , I can see them on now , cards , they used to sell them on cards .
30 and then when it got over to the Clerks ' Department they used to stick it on another piece of paper so that they could put it on the file
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