Example sentences of "they [vb base] [vb pp] over the " in BNC.

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1 They 've gone over the excavations and into the meadow — ‘
2 But I am determined to fight back , and where I think that they 've gone over the top , I 'll take them to court .
3 For instance , if people have n't exhibited management ability in what they think are the worthwhile things they 've done over the past 30 years or so , the chance of them ever being good managers is remote .
4 The apparently calm , almost holiday mood of this Bosnian couple disguises the sheer terror they 've endured over the past few weeks .
5 There are no outstanding flashes in organic chemistry , things move step by step , and the way they 've moved over the past thirty or forty years is quite apparent if anybody looks round their home .
6 When they 've got over the shock , most are mainly concerned for their daughters ' welfare , and give them a lot of support , as illustrated many times in the accounts that follow .
7 They tell me if I walk in a certain direction for an hour I 'll come across a road and by the time I set my watch and compass they 've vanished over the dunes .
8 They make their own glazes from finely ground rocks to recipes that they have developed over the years .
9 ‘ This report surely demands a rethink by both the Government and the senior management of BR of the policies that they have adopted over the last 10 years . ’
10 But , as they have discovered over the past year , tied agents can be expensive and difficult groups of people to do business with .
11 Congratulations to the S.V.R. for all they have achieved over the past 25 years and I am sure that all members of the BCRS will wish them continuing success in the years to come .
12 That removes the Government 's mask which they have worn over the past few months as they have tried to pursue the idea of cheap gas .
13 I 'd also like to thank his parents for what they have contributed over the years to make him the person he is , supporting him through college , and also for making me such a welcome member of their family .
14 Arthur Pearcy 's book US Coast Guard Aircraft Since 1916 is a history of the Guard comprising detailed descriptions of over 90 different types of aircraft that they have operated over the years , coupled with information on the designation systems and the colours and markings used by this fifth military air arm of the United States .
15 All the available evidence also shows that these social class inequalities have declined very little or not at all , and , in some instances , they have increased over the years .
16 Such foods do not deserve the bad reputation they have gained over the years ; eating them more often might well serve to curb the appetite for fatty foods or confectionery .
17 FTIR and electron spin resonance ( ESR ) spectroscopy are being used in archaeology as a valuable complement to elemental analysis in the search to determine the provenance of raw materials , the place and date of manufacture , and how they have weathered over the centuries .
18 For most people though there is a curiosity about the past , about how people lived and behaved , about whether they have changed over the centuries , and this can in part be answered by archaeology .
19 It sets out the basic patterns , and looks at how they have changed over the years .
20 I hope that he will also accept that Conservative Members have used the existing procedure to delay legislation which they have disliked over the years , which is why we want to change it .
21 It is tragic that any Government should , with such equanimity , be prepared to take away the rights of working people and the right to peace of mind for which they have paid over the years .
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