Example sentences of "they [vb base] [vb pp] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I think where people are more at risk is where they 've gone for TESSAs in th er you know that 's the tax-exempt savings plan , and they 've chased the rate through the papers you know the erm and they see that the s the Wolverhampton Building Society or the Tipton and
2 I 've just had a Christmas card from my old healthy friend ; so that 's two years ' service they 've lost for starters .
3 seems far more interesting than knowing that they 've rehearsed for hours on end .
4 than they 've taken for months or years before .
5 People let their guard slip when they 're travelling ; they 'll tell you things they would n't say to a neighbour they 've known for years .
6 The worst they 've had for years , apparently . ’
7 They have argued for decades as to whether we are a result of our environment or our genetic inheritance , and there are always supporters for each extreme as well as for every position in between .
8 They congregate in favoured places such as Quendale Bay , Ronas Voe and north of Hascosay , as they have done for generations , and here they complete their moult into their smart summer dress , to replace the drab dark grey and white .
9 I would still prefer to see the priority being a quick release of the ball to the backs , purely because they are looking as dangerous now as they have done for years .
10 Sometimes when fishkeepers are abroad they come across that wonderful fish they have desired for years .
11 They have existed for centuries , serving as shops , offices , workshops and homes in this bustling corner of the city .
12 I have always disagreed with those in the black community who , when they have applied for jobs and have not been successful , have blamed it on the colour of their skin .
13 They are the ex-Communist bosses and party officials who are managing to fix up jobs for each other while pushing others out of jobs they have held for years and onto the streets .
14 Mr Macdonald claims the orders will deny traditional fishermen access to areas they have used for generations .
15 Sir , — I can not for one moment imagine that Ian McGeechan will ‘ feel hugely satisfied because his backs are beginning to fulfil some of the potential that they have shown for years ’ ( David Sole , 8 March ) after the disappointment of the 26-12 humiliation by England last Saturday .
16 Ever since Kashmiri Muslim fundamentalists launched their armed struggle for independence in January 1990 , tens of thousands have fled the valley leaving homes they have occupied for generations .
17 He warned of the likelihood of a Balkan war , if the Serbian leadership attempted to extend " ethnic cleansing " to drive ethnic Albanians from " houses they have occupied for millennia " in Kosovo ; a peacekeeping force in Kosovo , he suggested , was the only way to prevent conflict spreading there .
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