Example sentences of "they [vb base] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 they 'll just er stick them put them in a box and sling them you see
2 Oh the peedie ones did it four or five or six acre you cut the and bag it the barley to them put it in the er the bagger on the machine you see .
3 How about your Christmas card this year ? why not knit one and them photograph it for a really professional look ?
4 He did n't know what they had been doing to him , but whatever it was he did n't like it , and he was going to let them know it in the only way he knew — by making as loud a noise as he could !
5 If very dirty they lay it in the stream , securing it with a large stone , and let the water flow through it for some time , after which they proceed as before … the linen is spread upon the rocks in the river , or the walls near at hand , and secured , like everything else by a stone at each corner …
6 When they launch themselves into the air they suddenly straighten their bodies and hollow out their lower surfaces .
7 Young albatrosses on the Leeward Islands spend many days flapping their wings to exercise their muscles and develop their strength , but when they launch themselves into the air , they have to get it right first time .
8 But they sell them without an import licence — which is illegal , In practice , the licences are monopolised by the brands ' parent companies , who can afford the extensive clinical trials on the drugs that are necessary for licensing .
9 I have a fancy to show myself as far as Newport and Cardiff , while they lose themselves in the mountains of Maelienydd and Brecon . ’
10 ‘ So we all go up in the lift , and the two bucks as good as carry the mother 's boy into the room ; he 's almost completely gone , and they sit him on the bed and they pour some of the champagne down him and then they come out .
11 They sit him in the rocking-chair in front of the hearth , to rock himself back and forth as he muses out loud about the enslavement of man by natural technology .
12 It 's followed by more noise , sharp and ugly , as they drag him into the kitchen .
13 They 'll do anything to make you dependent on them , and then they drag you to the altar and call it love . ’
14 They push themselves to the edge of exhaustion .
15 There 's some that are going up at the moment to this pond , they develop them for the next three years to spend their life in the fresh water feeding , and what we 're trying to do here is to see just how many there are in , in the river er as a total .
16 To a lesser degree they still exist nearer home ; in the Alps herdsmen take their cattle to the ‘ Alm ’ meadows where they tend them during the summer , and in Scotland and Wales the hill sheep spend half the year on the mountain commons whilst the lower , enclosed land grows winter keep .
17 What is more , the Spirit who has become resident in the followers of Jesus mediates to them the victory over the world which Jesus had ( 4:4 ) as they trust him for the power to overcome temptation ( 5:3,4 ) .
18 Like there is today , I mean things are altered when you get a ship now , when you get the dredger what was in the East Anglia Daily Times er yesterday , where a ship open in half , so th they load it with a grab and that go to sea and ship open in half , drop it down so there 's no doors .
19 ‘ It makes you think , when you hear people call you Chariie as they sling you on the slab . ’
20 But you can see why if you 're selling inappropriately , if you sell someone for example , a savings plan , and they cash it in the first four years , and they do n't even get what they paid in it , how they 're going to be very annoyed , because from what they could see , they were getting a savings plan .
21 Yet that person with AD may be ‘ positioned ’ differently , both by themselves and others , if they avoid the games because they perceive them as a mindless waste of time and prefer to go for a walk instead .
22 Now that is a large part of our culture , which in a sense gets sucked into the educational establishment and sucked into teaching relationships , and because it 's such a consistent part of the way in which women are seen , I think they perceive it as a greater problem .
23 Many couples stick with this covenant and the hope invested in it , and they make something of the struggle it entails .
24 Built into a doorway , they make it into a gateway — an impressive entrance , leading into the space beyond .
25 Yeah they squeeze you off the road if you go up that hill to Hockerill lights .
26 Sixty six she was , so in we go , and it 's got open to the general public , so this man said to her something about I ca n't serve you I 've had a robbery , she said I do n't know why they advertise it on the window if he 's , if he 's not prepared to serve me and when I looked round there was all the taken over , they had a burglary .
27 ‘ Lots of women who have fine hair hanker after long , thick hair , so they grow it in the mistaken belief that the longer it gets , the more hair they have and the fuller it will look , ’ explained Charles .
28 The lampreys ( Petromyzon ) are rather nasty external parasites of other fish , to which they attach themselves with a sucker , and proceed to rasp away at the living flesh .
29 The larvae then migrate through the tissue of the mouth ( cheeks , tongue , and pharynx ) to the stomach , where they attach themselves to the stomach lining .
30 They grab him in a bearhug from behind .
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