Example sentences of "they [vb base] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 well , I always do it through the infants , they bring home reading books
2 They are prone to accumulate more nutrient than is good for them ; and , of course , they tend also to accumulate toxins .
3 And , because they are designed to operate at a lower cost level they tend not to make demands for expensive peripherals such as PostScript devices or even simpler page printers such as Epsons and Okis that emulate the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet .
4 Because generally speaking … when they get a bee in their bonnet , they tend not to write letters .
5 They want to make screwball romantic comedies but they wind up producing sitcoms that look lost without a laugh track .
6 Is there any wonder customers moan when they are told the items they want now cost £32 each instead of £18 ?
7 They propose broadly based agitation on social and economic issues but nowhere do they contain blueprints that correspond with the objectives , structure or activities of NICRA .
8 Their views may have been coloured by the fact that they found evidence of significant misreporting of publication data in some areas , to the extent that they suggest automatically lowering research ratings as a penalty for discovered deliberate misreporting .
9 Their views may have been coloured by the fact that they found evidence of significant misreporting of publication data in some areas , to the extent that they suggest automatically lowering research ratings as a penalty for discovered deliberate misreporting .
10 One solution would be to license the promoters of warehouse parties on condition that they provide adequately soundproofed buildings , parking facilities and stewards for the surrounding areas .
11 They provide much needed colour at a time when many perennials and certainly most shrubs have finished , but without appearing overwhelmingly garish .
12 There are many different types of crystal — often they build up to form bladder stones which can be the size of a tennis ball !
13 Academic studies have confirmed the obvious : events make news if they are clear , unusual , unexpected or unpredict-able ; if they fit a medium 's cycle ( a daily paper , for example , or an hourly news bulletin ) ; if they involve well known people or groups , places or countries ; if they are close to home ( literally or figuratively ) ; if they are negative ( accidents ) or reach a certain volume ( in terms of numbers hurt , for example , or goals scored ) .
14 and they say not to eat apples and oranges , er , at one time they told you to eat the lot did n't they apples a day keep the doctor 's away .
15 And some wene they close and conteyne the worlde in theyr hondes … and therefore they put not theyr hondes to take mete … ’ paranoid patients ‘ fall in to full euyll suspiccions without recouer and therfore they hate and blame theyr frendes , and sometyme smite and slee theim ’ .
16 In the presence of high ultraviolet light , they break down to release radicals which destroy photosynthetic pigments and may form TCA ( trichloroacetic acid ) , itself used as a herbicide .
17 They record how voted monies have been spent and include reports by the C & AG where appropriate .
18 When , in Britain , it is suggested that the policies of the Conservative Government towards local authorities since 1979 raise constitutional questions , what is meant is not that these policies are in any sense illegal , but rather … that they breach hitherto accepted understandings , albeit tacit , as to how relationships between central government and local authorities should be ordered .
19 I think they know where to hit people where it hurts most of them .
20 Landlords say they 're keen to keep their customers , but they also want to make sure that they know when to stop drinking .
21 They know how to imitate scenes they see on TV , but not how to generate their own imaginative games .
22 At least they know how to treat meat !
23 They know how to enjoy life , ’ I thought .
24 They know how to set traps , they know how to ask you questions which will lead you into using emotive words , they will have you on tape , they will also possibly be in a position to edit that tape , and at the end of the day you can not say , ‘ I did n't say that , ’ because I have a piece of tape that says you actually did say it .
25 The great skill of Japanese and German manufacturers is that they know how to make things efficiently and well , which is what we are so bad at .
26 Then they set up resourcing arrangements , just as they would do for any other business operation they undertook .
27 While it is incumbent upon Bank Management to ensure that they operate profitably to secure profits for expansion , payment to staff and also payment to shareholders , it is also incumbent upon them to display an allegiance to the economy in which they make their profits .
28 So , to continue the analogy started before … they ve now passed year one of their Degree course …
29 The case studies they produce later form part of the curriculum at Crotonville , the company 's management-development school a few miles up on the Hudson river from New York .
30 Many managers feel that they understand how to run meetings so well that they hardly need to prepare at all .
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