Example sentences of "they [vb base] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pyramids of paper have been piled up on the subject of faunal provinces in the fossil record , but very few of them stand up to critical examination and even the latest symposium on the subject has produced very little that can be regarded as concrete evidence .
2 Few sufferers are able to stop and many of them end up with multiple amputations .
3 Full of fruit with no artificial preservatives or colourings , they taste just like home-made jam .
4 Yet , embittered pigeons have a great tendency to come home to roost at a later date , wreaking merry havoc as they zoom in on perceived injustices and ensure that all and sundry realise the iniquities of their previous employer .
5 They sit up with disproportionate interest . )
6 and they absconded it , and the dog has n't a hope in hell and also the ones you get for the kids , when you sit in them they sit up like little chairs do n't they ?
7 Here is William Wheeler , the last great encyclopediast of ants ( 1910 ) , describing Amazon ants at home : they sit about in stolid idleness , or pass the long hours begging the slaves for food or cleaning themselves and burnishing their ruddy armour .
8 ‘ I think all criminals know what to expect if they monkey about with other people 's motorcars . ’
9 Ultimately they contract further into molecular structures , into great dark swirling spheres that form the basis of young star-field systems .
10 They flock along to in-service courses .
11 Nicolas Tredell has said of some New Accents contributors , ‘ despite their ostensible Gallic sympathies , they crash down on French jouissance like a ceiling-full of cold showers . ’
12 The lunchtime ceremony was introduced by Chris Green , InterCity 's managing director , who recalled the backing that The Scotsman had given the railways in their early days , and pointed out the multi-million pound contribution they make today to Anglo-Scottish business .
13 " And let it be said , " Harry went on , " now we 're talking straight , that Miss Jennifer here can forget all the Romish ideas she was fed on down at Roscarrock Hall and start eating Protestant pie , which she 'll find suits a Cornish stomach a sight better than all that hocus-pocus-nomminy-domminy rubbish they peddle down at Holy Joe 's .
14 These little sneak fertilizers however are young and small of course , this is what they rely on their enormous of speed for , and they grow up into female mimics or transvestites , and what a transvestite does is when a regular male and a regular female are in the nest swimming around together doing the regular thing , the transvestite swims in , appearing as a second female .
15 Regular handling and fondling of the young animals helps ensure they grow up into docile but nonetheless bold animals .
16 They grow best in cool , damp conditions , and will continue growth well into the autumn .
17 They can succeed only if they fit in with similar international plans ; in the Netherlands ' case , with the standards agreed by the European Community to which it belongs , and that applies particularly to vehicles .
18 These are all techniques by which families can be helped to understand the way they interact together by practical , visual means .
19 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
20 Bangladeshi babies are thought to be vulnerable , and they sleep close to other people both day and night ; at night they are either in the mother 's bed or in a cot next to it , a practice also reported by Farooqi et al .
21 Mr Yeo sent us her CV — the one they send out to prospective clients .
22 They build up in shallow waters , off the edge of tropical or sub-tropical continents , where the waters are stirred , and light penetrates .
23 Narrow-winged , small and compact , they fly powerfully with rapid wing-beats , sometimes planing over the water like hydrofoils ; in hunting they dive and use their wings for propulsion under water , feeding mostly on plankton and small fish ( Nettleship and Birkhead , 1985 ) .
24 As a result of this work , Quinn argues that , while formal ( i.e. rational , in the sense defined above ) planning systems serve useful purposes , they focus unduly upon measurable quantities and underemphasize ‘ the vital qualitative organizational and power-behavioral factors that so often determine strategic success ’ ( p. 15 ) .
25 The Minister will know from many of the schemes that he visits that one of the carrots that they hold out to young people is the ability to drive vehicles off road and eventually to train for a full licence .
26 They depend heavily on local mutual aid and are staffed largely by volunteers .
27 They show up as curved lines on a photographic film .
28 But even if it is not exactly this scheme , it is certain that any global agreement will have to be supported by a mechanism which allows the developing countries to pollute more while they catch up with developed countries which are simultaneously reducing their emissions .
29 Having consulted a colleague in the USA , he has now found that they breed best in fresh water ) the hard water of his Lincolnshire home being ideal . )
30 Symphonic and shambolic , they stumble out of contorted , scratchy dins and into lurchingly beautiful crescendos again and again with a clumsy , haphazard kind of grace .
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