Example sentences of "they [vb base] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You 'd be surprised , some of them make bookings with the beautician and hairdresser even before they come on board . ’
2 Many of them wear slippers around the house , and if they tend to shuffle a little as their joints stiffen , rugs become dangerous obstacles to their safe movement from room to room .
3 And , anyway , it was from the British he made his money , selling them scrap iron during the war , so it will be an extra pleasure to make him cough up that sort of loot . ’
4 two-thirds of them get fatter by the minute ,
5 But Conservatives in the ruling coalition dislike the idea because they fear losses at the polls next year to the far-right Republicans .
6 The military skills and superior armaments of the two knights allow them to fight off their attackers and they gain admittance to the castle .
7 A number of courses give students an opportunity to go on a short relevant placement in an organization outside the University , where they gain experience of the world of work and in applying the skills they have learnt .
8 As they gain confidence in the therapist opportunities will arise again for these issues to be discussed .
9 They have theoretical knowledge and practical experience of language-teaching methods , but they lack knowledge of the methods and materials used to teach their native language as a foreign language in the UK , and have only limited familiarity with British secondary education — the school system , teacher and pupil roles and expectations , curricula , assessment and exams .
10 They lack commitment to the service , and they do not use it .
11 ( Only the Ladies ' records are complete , but not surprisingly they lack references to the Club 's business affairs and course developments , etc . ) .
12 They hate constrictions about the neck or abdomen .
13 Would it not be a good idea if the airlines , when checking in passengers in those countries from which large quantities of drugs come to this country , were to hand each passenger a paper in his or her own language clearly explaining that if they bring drugs into the United Kingdom they are likely to be caught and , if they are caught , they are likely to go away for a very long time indeed ?
14 These rules are very important , because they bring consistency to the interpretation of leases and enable parties buying and selling leases and reversions to obtain more reliable advice on what their rights and liabilities are likely to be .
15 And erm so now when we go they 're awfully sweet and they bring Edmund at the same time
16 They sell bonds on the open market .
17 From the start , the need to release immediately if for any reason they lose sight of the towplane must be impressed on the students .
18 This is an illustration of the well-known problem of computer scientists becoming so enthralled with their own inventions that they lose sight of the needs of users .
19 However , thereby they lose contact with the professional environment in the basic organization .
20 If European co-productions follow the example of Leonardo they are doomed : like Antaeus , they will lose strength as they lose contact with the soil of their birth .
21 But secured creditors may not be too happy to see GE 's money spent on unsecured creditors while they lose control of the firm 's smart new jets .
22 It is always interesting to note that the moment one reminds Labour Members of their party 's commitment to high taxation , they lose control of the argument completely and deliver tirades along the lines of that to which the hon. Gentleman has just subjected the House .
23 ‘ The main differences between the two styles of cuisine is in the way the Chinese blend ingredients , how they introduce colour into the food , and that up to 90% of the work is done prior to cooking . ’
24 They raise money for the hospice and other charities through a varied range of activities , including abseiling and putting on stage shows .
25 I describe the proceedings here , however , because they raise questions about the willingness of the GMC to protect patients from forms of diagnosis and treatments which have not been sufficiently validated and about its lenient attitude to a doctor who persistently touted for business by attracting the interest of tabloid journalists .
26 They raise questions about the notion that it guarantees a common curricular entitlement in so far as they yield teaching strategies which are applied to children classified as having learning difficulties , but not to others .
27 They raise questions about the reasons as well as about the quality of such consultations .
28 These figures give cause for considerable concern : they raise doubts about the genuineness of the government 's stated intention of improving community care .
29 Through a high level of devotional art they enact stages of the contemplative game — indeed provide means of play .
30 Do you know they push stones into the wall ? "
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