Example sentences of "they [vb base] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The investment they make goes into a fund combining equities , fixed interest and cash .
2 ‘ If they want to go at a certain pace and not become a Top Five singles band you have to respect them for it .
3 ‘ If they want to go through the correct procedure and ask for a transfer , then so be it . ’
4 well no , but not on , to town , but there might be somewhere they want to go on the way
5 If they want to go for a longer period , a key worker would go out with them . ’
6 Try , if you can , to remember the look of the feet in Carnaval where they wear go with the black tarlatan , they wore black shoes tied with pink ribbons .
7 When they decide to go for a swim there 's a real rigmarole because of the presence of the English girl .
8 They keep going with an endless supply of fuel .
9 Paul read somewhere they keep going on a bequest from George Bernard Shaw .
10 However they do go into the balance .
11 In some children this may be due to small functional bladder capacity , or to incomplete voiding when they do go to the lavatory ( Berg 1979 ; de Jonge 1973 ) .
12 Snakes , locusts , bacteria and viruses are welcome to occupy their valuable niches in our world but they do go over the top on occasions .
13 They do go off the deep-end and tell you extraordinary tales .
14 Erm sh because apparently if they do go in an office , they 'll find these are far slower than anything else they would ever work on ,
15 If they choose to go into an independent sector home , they , and they have a low level of income , they do access what is called the residential care allowance , which is further income support benefit of up to forty five pound a week .
16 They 've gone on a recce . ’
17 so she just told me that so I 'll have all the news of Colin tomorrow they 've gone for a week
18 They 've gone to a matinee of Starlight Express .
19 ‘ My guess is they 've gone to the other house , ’ he said quickly .
20 Who 's putting their coats on ? oh they 've gone to the toilet what you doing ? , looking at your pretty face mm we 'd better go and see what your brothers are doing
21 you , no they 're not putting their coats on , they 've gone to the toilet , Richard can go to the toilet by himself actually ca n't he ? he 's a clever boy is n't he ? can you get your coat for me ? , you get your coat now , I 'll put it on for you I hope you have n't broken that , have you ? , pick it up , carefully give it to me look
22 If they 've gone to the see this , to the see , Goats do n't Shave then I doubt they 'll be back till a , about midnight , one o'clock , if they get the train back if not , tomorrow morning or something .
23 But I think once they 've gone off the road now it 's gon na be gon na be worse when the , when the engine stops ?
24 They 've gone over the excavations and into the meadow — ‘
25 But I am determined to fight back , and where I think that they 've gone over the top , I 'll take them to court .
26 They 've gone through a carefully planned period of transition to keep things interesting for themselves , and their time is about to start again .
27 And how are we to make alliances with those women or are we to say that we do not wish to do so until they 've gone through a greater degree of learning process .
28 And then you 've consulted somebody else and if the say no go ahead and sell the shares and if two days later they 've gone through the roof it 's unfortunate .
29 They 've gone into a ‘ Chew and choke ’ to get some sandwiches but they 'll be back soon and I do n't have time to call the ‘ Bears ’
30 Now if it 's tablets they 've taken we do n't do whatever Angie did years ago in , in Eastenders and , and then she 's walked up and down and given gallons of coffee , what you do is keep your casualty at rest , nil by mouth because you , if you give them any fluid whatsoever it 's going to dilate , dilute the tablets that are in the stomach , and once they 're diluted they 've gone into the system quicker , mm , so there 's nil by mouth , now if you 're going to get up and walk them up and down because come on you must walk up and down , what 's happening to this per these tablets ?
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